- Status in HRČAK: active
- ISSN 2757-1661 (Online)
UDK: 61 73
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52444/nr - Contact: Škola za medicinske sestre Vinogradska, Vinogradska ulica 29, 10 000 Zagreb, Tel +385 (0)1-3768-457
- Email: nrevija@skolamedvinogradska.hr
- URL: https://sites.google.com/view/medicinskaskolavinogradska/nastavni%C4%8Dka-revija
- Publisher:
Nursing School Vinogradska
Vinogradska cesta 29, Zagreb
The Teachers' Review is a professional journal of the School of Nursing Vinogradska, which publishes hitherto unpublished original professional papers and case reports, reviews, announcements, expert notices, letters to the editor and others in the field of secondary education, primarily health and other secondary schools.
- Peer review: peer review, national peer review, scientific and professional papers, open peer review, double
- First year of publication: 2020.
- Frequency (annually): 2
- Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Natural Sciences, Biomedicine and Healthcare, Clinical Medical Sciences, Public Health and Health Care, Social Sciences, Information and Communication Sciences, Psychology, Humanities, Interdisciplinary Areas of Knowledge
- Date added to HRČAK: 04.01.2022.
- Rights: The Teachers' Review is an open access magazine. The content of the magazine is available in its entirety free of charge. Users may copy and distribute the material and modify, redesign or rework the material as long as they cite the original in an appropriate manner.