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  • Publication date: 24.06.2014.
  • Published on HRČAK: 21.06.2014.

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Full text

Pape Ivan XXIII. i Ivan Pavao II. — novi sveci (page 143-145)

Marijan Steiner

The Unrejectability of Faith According to Charles Taylor (page 177-177)

Boris Vulić
Original scientific paper

The Biblical Intertext in the Work Through Beatings to the Altar, by don Anto Baković (page 191-191)

Beat Čolak, Dean Slavić
Original scientific paper

From Trebnje to the Execution Site. Fr. Josip Müller SJ (1883–1945) (page 220-220)

Valentin Miklobušec
Original scientific paper

Pope John Paul II at Large Interreligious Gatherings (page 230-230)

Božidar Nagy
Review article

John Paul II on Martyrdom (page 243-243)

Elvis Ražov
Review article

Literary Biblisms in C. S. Lewis’s The Magician’s Nephew (page 256-256)

Marina Mađarević
Review article

Seksološke studije: istina ili prijevara? (page 257-272)

Danijela Blažeka

Ivan Fuček, Ispovjednik i pokornik (moralno– duhovni aspekti) (page 274-275)

Marijan Steiner
Case report

Roko Prkačin DI, O. Petar Perica DI, pjesnik i mučenik (page 277-279)

Hrvoje Juko
Case report

Biserka Rauter Plančić (ur.), Kristova muka i otkupljenje (page 279-280)

Vlado Škorić
Case report

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