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  • Publication date: 23.12.2015.
  • Published on HRČAK: 27.12.2015.

Table of contents

Full text

Editorial (page III-IV)

Larry Dwyer

Resident attitudes, place attachment and destination branding: a research framework (page 145-158)

Ning (Chris) Chen, Tina Šegota
Preliminary communication

Profiling bicycle tourists: a case of Croatia (page 159-177)

Nataša Kovačić
Preliminary communication

Students' use of social media during the travel process (page 179-190)

Helena Nemec Rudež, Ksenija Vodeb
Preliminary communication

Gender-choice behavior linkages: an investigation in the hospitality industry (page 191-202)

Ugur Yavas, Osman M. Karatepe, Emin Babakus
Preliminary communication

Reviewers (page 219-0)


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