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  • Publication date: 15.06.1989.
  • Published on HRČAK: 09.02.2016.

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Sadržaj minerala u kostima mijasteničara (page 363-363)

M. Harmut, V. Kušec, I. Matulić-Bedenić, A. Jušić
Original scientific paper

Raspodjela pp'DDT u nekim dijelovima mozga u štakora tretiranih diazinonom (page 369-369)

M.A. Matin, R. Agarwal, M.A. Mirza
Original scientific paper

Razine cirkulirajućeg histamina i testovi plućne funkcije u radnika iz predionice pamuka (page 379-379)

H. Yenkatakrishna-Bhatt, N. Mohana-Rao, G.M. Panchal, P.K. Kulkarni
Original scientific paper

(page 381-381)


Clinical examination of persons occupationally exposed in wood industry (page 383-385)

B. Kolmodin-Hedman, N. Stjernberg, Y. Ostberg, M.C. Andersson, K. Eriksson
Short communication, Note

Aerosol analysis, respiratory function and skin sensitivity testing in workers exposed to soft and hardwood dust (page 387-402)

D. Beritić-Stahuljak, F. Valić, M. Cigula, D. Ivanković, A. Prijatelj
Short communication, Note

Exposure, lung function and rhizopus antibodies in wood trimmers. A longitudinal study (page 405-409)

R. Alexandersson
Short communication, Note

Hipersenzitivnost i respiratorna funkcija kod radnika u drvnoj industriji (page 415-415)

V. Cvetanov, N. Ežova, J. Vasevski, J. Karadžinska-Bislimovska, E. Stiko
Short communication, Note

A longitudinal study of respiratory health hazards of exposure to terpenes in saw-mills (page 417-420)

R. Alexandersson
Short communication, Note

Tremorgenic effects of mould extracts isolated in wood industry tested in rats (page 425-427)

R. Fuchs, C.J. Land, K. Hult, H. Lundström
Short communication, Note

Asbestos-associated diseases in Sweden - a general view (page 429-431)

B. Järvholm
Short communication, Note

Roentgenological criteria for early diagnosis of pleuropulmonary asbestosis (page 433-436)

D. Marković, S. Dodić
Short communication, Note

Asbestos-associated diseases in Swedish shipyard workers (page 437-440)

B. Järvholm, A. Sandén
Short communication, Note

Pulmonary function in workers with asbestosis (page 441-445)

M. Pavlović, M. Butković, D. Jezdimirović, B. Šuštran, B. Peruničić
Short communication, Note

Mineral fibres, fibrosis, and asbestos bodies in lung tissue from deceased asbestos-cement workers (page 447-453)

M. Albin, L. Johansson, F.D. Pooley, K. Jakobsson, R. Attewell, H. Welinder
Short communication, Note

The relationship between asbestos bodies, serum immunoglobulin levels and X-ray changes in asbestos workers (page 455-459)

V. Cvetanov, J. Karadžinska-Bislimovska, J. Vasevski, N. Ežova, E. Stikova
Short communication, Note

Total and cause-specific mortality in cohorts of asbestos-cement workers and referents between 1907 and 1985 (page 461-467)

M. Albin, R. Attewell, K. Jakobsson, L. Johansson, H. Welinder
Short communication, Note

Neke karakteristike humoralnog imuniteta kod bivših radnika industrije azbesta (page 469-475)

B. Peruničić, A. Poštić-Grujin, M. Butković
Short communication, Note

Risk identification by register epidemiology - a Swedish experience (page 477-487)

H. Malker
Short communication, Note

Izloženost krizotil azbestu u okolišu i epidemiologija raka (page 489-498)

M. Milošević, Lj. Petrović
Short communication, Note

Risk assessment of non-occupational asbestos exposure can it be done? (page 499-504)

F. Valić
Short communication, Note

Control technology and mechanism studies of the lung effects of mixed exposure to dusts and gases (page 507-510)

U. Ulfvarson, R. Alexandersson
Short communication, Note

(page 513-518)


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