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  • Publication date: 11.12.2006.
  • Published on HRČAK: 11.07.2016.

Table of contents

Full text

Factors influencing healthy meal choice in Germany (page 315-322)

Joseph S. Chen, Willy Legrand, Philip Sloan
Preliminary communication

A qualitative analysis of consumer attitudes on adoption of online travel services (page 323-331)

Evangelos Christou
Preliminary communication

Tracking student satisfaction in an uncertain tourism education market (page 345-353)

Nick Johns, Judy Henwood
Preliminary communication

Cross cultural change, adjustment and culture shock: UK to USA (page 355-365)

Abby Lyons, Carolyn Branston
Preliminary communication

Hospitality student learning styles: The impact of gender and nationality (page 367-374)

Paul Barron, Sandra Watson
Preliminary communication

An exploratory study of outsourcing of foodservice operations in Canadian hotels (page 375-383)

Clayton W. Barrows, Elias Giannakopoulos
Preliminary communication

Middle-up-down and top-down approaches: Strategy implementation, uncertainty, structure, and foodservice segment (page 385-395)

Robert J. Harrington, K. W. Kendall
Preliminary communication

From instability to volatility: Bermuda's shift from tourism to international business dependency (page 397-403)

Shawn De Shields, Cordell W. Riley
Short communication, Note

GIS applications as a tool for tourism planning and education: A case study of Chalkidiki (page 405-413)

Spyros Avdimiotis, Thomas Mavrodontis, Athanasios S. Dermetzopoulos, Konstantinos Riavoglou
Short communication, Note

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