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Acta clinica Croatica , Vol. 41 No. 2, 2002.

  • Publication date: 03.06.2002.
  • Published on HRČAK: 13.08.2007.

Table of contents

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Contents (page 1-1)


Inducirani sputum - suvremena metoda za citološku analizu bronhalnih uzoraka (page 0-0)

Marija Crnčević-Urek, Asja Stipić-Marković, Ika Kardum-Skelin, Jagoda Stipić, Vesna Crnek-Kunstelj, Roman Urek
Original scientific paper

Churg-Straussov sindrom: prikaz slučaja (page 0-0)

Asja Stipić-Marković, Jagoda Stipić, Marija Crnćević-Urek, Vesna Crnek-Kunstelj

Tireotoksična periodična paraliza: prikaz slučaja (page 0-0)

Jadranka Morović-Vergles, Branko Ostrički, Krešimir Galešić, Mirko Škoro, Dijana Zelenika

Fototerapija (UVB) i fotokemoterapija (PUVA) u liječenju psorijaze (page 0-0)

Krešimir Kostović, Mirna Šitum, Ivana Nola
Case report

Sustavni pristup bolesniku s hiponatrijemijom (page 0-0)

Iva Ratković-Gusić, Petar Kes, Vanja Bašić-Kes
Case report

Aspiracijska citologija štitnjače (page 0-0)

Neven Mateša, Nina Dabelić, Irena Tabain, Zvonko Kusić
Case report

Role of Pathologists in Breast Cancer Units (page 135-135)

G. Bussolati
Conference paper

Malignant Lymphoma of the Breast (page 135-137)

J. Lamovec
Conference paper

Soft Tissue Tumors of the Breast (page 137-135)

V. Eusebi
Conference paper

Recent Advances in Molecular Genetics of Breast Cancer (page 138-138)

K. Pavelić, K. Gall-Trošelj
Conference paper

Targets for the Treatment of Breast Cancer (page 138-145)

E. A. G. Blomme, F. Del Piero, K. L. Kolaja
Conference paper

Prognostic Value of HER-2/neu in Breast Carcinoma Patients (page 145-148)

J. Jakić-Razumović
Conference paper

Factors Influencing Prognosis and Survival in Early (TN0M0) Breast Carcinoma (page 148-150)

S. Frković-Grazio
Conference paper

Advances in Breast FNA (page 150-154)

F. Schmitt
Conference paper

Mammary Neoplasia in Cats and Dogs (page 154-155)

F. Del Piero
Conference paper

Diagnostic Imaging for the Identification of Cardiac Tumors in Humans and Dogs (page 155-155)

C. M. Bussadori, S. Biasi, C. Quintavalla, D. Pradelli, L. Marconato
Conference paper

Drug-induced Liver Diseases (page 155-157)

H. Denk
Conference paper

Diagnosis of Solitary Cysts of Mammae (page 158-158)

N. V. Bogomolova, M. A. Mikhel, N. A. Bigeldina
Conference paper

Primary Malt Lymphoma of the Breast - A Case with Cytologic and Immunocytochemical Diagnosis (page 159-159)

E. Garcia-Ureta, A. Veiga Barreiro, J. M. Mosquera Reboredo, G. Matheu Capó
Conference paper

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Mammary Pseudoangiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia: Report of Three Cases (page 159-160)

E. Garcia-Ureta, A. Veiga Barreiro, J. M. Mosquera Reboredo, G. Matheu Capó
Conference paper

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Mammary Adenomyoepithelioma - A Case Report (page 160-160)

E. Garcia-Ureta, A. Veiga Barreiro, G. Matheu Capó, J. M. Mosquera Reboredo
Conference paper

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Breast - Case Report (page 160-161)

E. Garcia-Ureta, A. Veiga Barreiro, J. M. Mosquera Reboredo, G. Matheu Capó
Conference paper

Association between HER2/neu Expression and Hormone Receptor Status in Breast Cancer Patients (page 161-161)

G Yashar, N Basheska, S Kraleva, N Vasev, Lj Ivkovski, I Prodanova, K Kubelka, S Smichova, G Zografski
Conference paper

Immunohistochemistry of Male Breast Cancer (page 161-162)

D. Tomas, H. Jurlina, M. Glasnović, T. Leniček, M. Elez, V. Gladić, B. Krušlin
Conference paper

Correlation of Cytologic and Histologic Diagnoses of the Breast (page 162-162)

I. Maričević, M. Šokčević, S. Ćurić-Jurić, F. Jurić
Conference paper

Metastasis of Breast Cancer to Uterine Cervix: A Case Report and Review of the Literature (page 162-163)

M. Eržen, M. Lenart, I. Košorok, J. Šinkovec, N. Puhan, M. Čavić, D. Kopač
Conference paper

Basic Pathologic Findings in Breast Carcinoma during a Five-Year Period (page 163-163)

J. Bezić, S. Tomić, A. Alujević, B. Vrbičić
Conference paper

Macrophage Levels and Parenchymal Expression of Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 in Human Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma (page 163-164)

T. Valković, S. Štifter, M. Hasan, F. Dobrila, N. Jonjić
Conference paper

Relationship between ABO Blood Groups and Primary Breast Cancer Prognosis (page 164-164)

Mohammad Reza Jalali Nadooshan, Hamid Reza Taheri, Naser Valaei
Conference paper

Relationship between Patient Age, Grade of Breast Cancer and Disease Prognosis (page 164-165)

Mohammad Reza Jalali Nadooshan, Hamid Reza Taheri, Naser Valaei
Conference paper

Mesenchymal Pancreatic Tumors (page 165-165)

G. Cecchetto, R. Cecchetto, C. Clemente, G. Marchesini, A. Pennelli, A. Galligioni
Conference paper

Esophageal Hemangiopericytoma as an Accidental Endoscopic Finding - A Case Report (page 165-166)

D. Baličević, I. Novosel, D. Hrabar
Conference paper

Prognostic Significance of Lymphatic and Blood Vessel Invasion by Tumor Cells in Colorectal Carcinoma (page 165-165)

S. Tomić, S. Anđelinović, L. Puljak, V. Pešutić-Pisac, J. Bezić, K. Milostić, G. Trgo
Conference paper

(page 0-0)

D. Brezovečki-Biđin, D. Baličević, D. Tomas, L. Tuzović, M. Škarica, N. Bulj, S. Hrkač-Knežević, D. Ciglar, V. Radotić, T. Leniček, M. Glasnović, D. Kovačević, M. Belicza
Conference paper

HCV-Like HCV-Negative Hepatitis in OLT (page 166-166)

A. Cecchetto, G. Cecchetto, R. Clemente, C. Marchesini, G. Pennelli, A. Galligioni
Conference paper

Incidence of Histologic Pattern and Anatomic Distribution of Colorectal Carcinoma (1989-2001) (page 170-171)

D. Brezovečki-Biđin, D. Baličević, D. Tomas, L. Tuzović, M. Škarica, N. Bulj, S. Hrkač-Knežević, D. Ciglar, V. Radotić, M. Glasnović, T. Leniček, M. Belicza
Conference paper

Influence of Differentiation Grade Expressed by Gleason Score on Survival in Prostate Cancer Patients (page 171-171)

K. Milostić, S. Tomić, G. Trgo, I. Olujić
Conference paper

Vanishing-Burned Lesion of Testicle Cancer - Two Case Reports (page 173-174)

K. Milostić, S. Tomić, M. Glavina-Durdov, G. Trgo, I. Olujić
Conference paper

Fine Structure of Leydig Cells in Patients with Non-Obstructive Azoospermia (page 174-174)

D. Ježek, N. Knežević, Lj. Banek, I. Krhen, V. Mužić, S. Kalanj-Bognar, R. Pezerović-Panijan, Z. Mareković
Conference paper

Periacinar Cleft-Like Spaces in Prostatic Needle Core Biopsies (page 175-175)

B. Krušlin, I. Novosel, A. Reljić, H. Čupić, B. Spajić, M. Belicza
Conference paper

Correlation between Nuclear Grade and Cell Type in Renal Cell Carcinoma (page 175-176)

S. Kozlović, M. Turčić, M. Fegeš-Bedić, A. Kopjar, M. Sladojević, H. Čupić, B. Krušlin
Conference paper

Expression of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen and Protein Products of Retinoblastoma and Adenomatous Polyposis Coli Genes in Human Fetal Testis (page 176-176)

S. Marić, F. Bulić-Jakuš, D. Ježek, G. Jurić-Lekić, M. Kos, M. Vlahović
Conference paper

Incidence of Primary Malignant Tumors of the Central Nervous System in the 1991-2001 Period (page 177-178)

J. Talan-Hranilović, I. Novosel, M. Belicza, L. Negovetić
Conference paper

Cerebellar Ganglioglioma with Transformation to Glioblastoma in an Adult (page 178-178)

T. Sajko, J. Talan-Hranilović, H. Jednačak, L. Negovetić
Conference paper

Cerebellar Medulloblastoma Involving Pineal Region in a 62-Year-Old Male - Case Report (page 178-179)

L. Negovetić, T. Sajko, J. Talan-Hranilović, V. Beroš
Conference paper

Utjecaj morfološkog tipa stanica na ekspresiju bcl-2, Ki-67 i p-53 u uvealnim melanomima (page 0-0)

A. Krvavica, J. Talan-Hranilović, M. Belicza
Conference paper

Undifferentiated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (Lymphoepithelioma) - A Case Report (page 180-181)

V. Blažičević, V. Čačinović, A. Kotromanović
Conference paper

Changing Trends in Lymphoma Incidence in Bioptic Material in a 13-Year Period (1989-2001) (page 181-182)

L. Perković, D. Tomas, S. Čurić-Jurić, M. Šokčević, I. Maričević, H. Čupić
Conference paper

Effect of Green Tea on Free Radical Activities in Rat Teratoma (page 182-182)

R. Klepac
Conference paper

Study of Nucleated Red Blood Cells in Evaluation of Fetal Asphyxia (page 183-183)

M. Elayoty, S. Aref, H. Abdelhady
Conference paper

Immunoglobulin Deposits in Skin Biopsies of Patients with Systemic Connective Tissue Diseases (page 183-183)

B. Bogoeva, A. Pusevski, S. Kostadinova, G. Petrusevska
Conference paper

Histološka različitost u koštanoj biopsiji postmenopauzalnih i osteoporotičnih žena (page 0-0)

P. Lozo, D. Krpan, A. Krvavica, V. Kušec
Conference paper

Combined Homicide - Suicide in Osijek County, East Croatia (page 184-185)

M. Marcikić, B. Dumenčić, E. Matuzalem, K. Marjanović, M. Ugljarević
Conference paper

Prostatic Cancer Mortality in the Pre- and Post-PSA Era: The Trieste Experience (page 185-185)

R. Bussani, D. Camilot, F. Bassan, F. Silvestri
Conference paper

Diffuse Metastatic Leptomeningeal Melanomatosis as the First Clinical Sign of a Cutaneous Melanoma (page 185-186)

R. Bussani, D. Camilot, F. Bassan, F. Silvestri
Conference paper

Ginekologija (Gynecology) (page 187-187)

Ingrid Márton
Case report

Ultrastructural Analysis of Sperms with Impaired Motility - A Case Report (page 1174-175)

V. Mužić, D. Ježek, P. Cvitković, Lj. Banek, P. Romac, D. Lučinger
Conference paper

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