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Croatica Chemica Acta , Vol. 51 No. 3, 1978.

  • Publication date: 22.12.1978.
  • Published on HRČAK: 31.03.2018.

Table of contents

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Information (page I-II)


5-Methoxyl Participation in Solvolysis and Secondary Deuterium Isotope Effects (page 203-212)

R. Eliason, S. Borčić, D. E. Sunko
Original scientific paper

Kinetics of Cyclization of 2-(N-B-Bromoethyl)-amino-5-substituted Benzophenones into 1,4-Benzodiazepines (page 213-223)

J. Kuftinec, L. Klasinc, F. Kajfež, M. Mihalić, E. Decorte, V. Šunjić
Original scientific paper

Graphentheoretische Uberlegungen zum Mechanismus der Solvolyse des Allylcarbinylamins (page 225-241)

P. J. Plath, E. C. Hass
Original scientific paper

Theoretical Study of Triafulvene, Fulvene, Heptafulvene, and Their 0- and N-Heteroanalogs (page 249-257)

A. Sabljić, N. Trinajstić
Short communication, Note

Chemistry of 1,3-Dioxepins. I. Reaction of 4, 7-Dihydro- 1,3-dioxepins with Nitryl Chloride (page 259-264)

M. Dumić, M . V. Proštenik, I. Butula
Original scientific paper

Preparation and lsomerization of 3S-Benzylpenicilloamides (page 265-272)

J . J . Herak, M. Kovačević, B. Gašpert
Original scientific paper

Ferrocene Compounds. VII. The Stobbe Condensation of Formylferrocene with Diethyl Glutarate (page 273-278)

M. Laćan, V. Rapić
Original scientific paper

N-Aryl Hydroxamic Acids as Gravimetric Reagents for Niobium and Tantalum (page 279-284)

S. K. Agrawal, B. S . Chandravanshi, V. K. Gupta
Original scientific paper

Book Reviews (page A47-A52)

Case report

Announcements (page C19-C24)


Errata (page C25-C25)


Impressum (page 0-0)


Ad (page 0-0)


Conclusion (page 0-0)


Letter from the CAS Editor (page 0-0)

Letter to the Editor

Cover Page (page 0-0)


Table of Contents (page 0-0)


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