Croatica Chemica Acta , Vol. 34 No. 3, 1962.
- Publication date: 25.11.1962.
- Published on HRČAK: 18.11.2018.
Table of contents
Full text
V. Karas-Gašparec, T . Pinter
Original scientific paper
B. Lovreček, B. Kunst
Original scientific paper
M. J . Herak, M. Mirnik
Original scientific paper
B. Majhofer-Oreščanin, M. Proštenik
Original scientific paper
A . Kornhauser, D. Keglević, O. Hadžija
Original scientific paper
Z. Ban, M. Sikirica
Short communication, Note
D. Keglević, B . Mihanović
Short communication, Note
M. Tišler, M. Hrovat, N. Machiedo
Short communication, Note
J. Slivnik, B. Brčić, B. Volavšek, A. Šmalc, B. Frlec, R. Zemljič, A. Anžur, Z. Veksli
Short communication, Note
S. Maričić, Z . Veksli
Short communication, Note
J. Marsel, D. Vrščaj
Letter to the Editor
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