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  • Publication date: 25.04.2019.
  • Published on HRČAK: 19.05.2019.

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StaTips Part VI: Bivariate correlation (page 2-5)

Giuseppe Perinetti
Short communication, Note

A determination of the standards of morphometrics variables of the stomatognathic system of a fetus (page 6-11)

Samra Salaga Nefic, Senad Mehmedbasic, Jasmina Kozadra, Amila Zukanovic, Alisa Tiro, Vildana Dzemidzic, Enita Nakas
Original scientific paper

Evaluating the change in Streptococcus mutans in plaque around orthodontic brackets using fluoride toothpaste, probiotic curd, and recaldent - A comparative in-vivo study (page 12-18)

Shedam Mueez Bashir, Kalia Ajit, Ashwith Hegde, Mirdehghan Nasim, Malpurwala Burhanuddin Kutub
Original scientific paper

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