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Technical gazette , Vol. 15 No. 1, 2008.

  • Publication date: 24.04.2008.
  • Published on HRČAK: 21.05.2008.

Table of contents

Full text

Prigodom 15 godina izdavanja (page 3-4)

Milan Kljajin, Pero Raos

A brief history of higher education in Osijek (page 5-16)

Gordana Kralik

Identification of structural damages using modal data (page 17-24)

Hrvoje Krstić, Vladimir Sigmund
Preliminary communication

Analysis of signals obtained from surfaces created by abrasive waterjet by means of amplitude-frequency spectra and autocorrelation function (page 25-31)

Jan Valíček, Sergej Hloch, Stanislav Fabian, Katarína Monková, Michal Hatala, Alena Luptáková, Agáta Radvanská
Preliminary communication

Quality Assurance of Higher Education in a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) (page 39-44)

Zlata Dolaček-Alduk, Vladimir Sigmund, Sanja Lončar-Vicković
Review article

Optimization of protecting wall tool for manufacture and assembly (page 45-49)

Ivica Stanić, Tomislav Galeta, Mirko Karakašić
Professional paper

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