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  • Publication date: 06.03.1995.
  • Published on HRČAK: 11.04.2006.

Table of contents

Full text

Dostojanstvo siromaha (page 135-150)

Dignity of the poor (page 151-151)

Pero Vidović
Original scientific paper

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me! (page 171-171)

Celestin Tomić
Original scientific paper

The World as the place of divine relevation (page 184-184)

Ivan Kordić
Review article

Samoubojstvo (page 185-199)

Suicide (page 200-200)

Mijo Nikić
Review article

From enthusiasm to resignation (page 214-214)

Bernhard Grom
Professional paper

Re-evolution of the person of Jan Hus (page 222-222)

Václav Dlapka
Preliminary communication

Razmišljanja (page 223-228)

Anthony de Mello, Ivan Golub, Zvonko Kovač, Sanko Rabar

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