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  • Publication date: 17.03.2010.
  • Published on HRČAK: 17.03.2010.

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Assessment of Cyto/Genotoxicity of Irinotecan in V79 Cells Using the Comet, Micronucleus, and Chromosome Aberration Assay (page 1-8)

Vilena Kašuba, Ružica Rozgaj, Marija Gamulin, Ivančica Trošić
Original scientific paper

Melatonin Inhibits Benzene-Induced Lipid Peroxidation in Rat Liver (page 11-17)

Seema Sharma, Suresh Vir Singh Rana
Original scientific paper

Brain Toxicokinetics of Prometryne in Mice (page 19-26)

Domagoj Đikić, Lana Sajli, Vesna Benković, Anica Horvat Knežević, Gordana Brozović, Duje Lisičić, Ana Mojsović, Nada Oršolić
Original scientific paper

Cage Exposure of European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) for In Situ Assessment of Pollution-Related Genotoxicity (page 29-35)

Maja Šrut, Anamarija Štambuk, Mirjana Pavlica, Göran I. V. Klobučar
Original scientific paper

Dustfall Measurements in Primorsko-Goranska County, 1975-2008 (page 37-42)

Vladimir Mićović, Ana Alebić-Juretić, Nada Matković, Goran Crvelin
Original scientific paper

Zdravstveni problemi zaradi uporabe azbesta v Sloveniji (page 52-52)

Marko Vudrag, Tatja Kostnapfel Rihtar, Miljana Vegnuti
Short communication, Note

Toxicological Methods for Tracing Drug Abuse: Chromatographic, Spectroscopic and Biological Characterisation of Ecstasy Derivatives (page 53-58)

Hafid Belhadj-Tahar, Pierre Payoux, Mathieu Tafani, Yvon Coulais, Serge Calet, Azzedine Bousseksou
Short communication, Note

Qualitative GC-MS Assessment of TCP and TAMORF Elimination in Rats (page 61-66)

Maja Jelena Petek, Ana Lucić Vrdoljak, Gordan Mršić
Short communication, Note

Identification of Counterfeit Medicines for Erectile Dysfunction from an Illegal Supply Chain (page 69-74)

Siniša Tomić, Neven Milčić, Milenko Sokolić, Adrijana Ilić Martinac
Short communication, Note

Dose Rate Effect of Pulsed Electron Beam on Micronucleus Frequency in Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes (page 77-82)

Santhosh Acharya, Ganesh Sanjeev, Nagesh N. Bhat, Yerol Narayana
Short communication, Note

Surfaktanti u okolišu (page 110-110)

Surfactants in the Environment (page 95-109)

Tomislav Ivanković, Jasna Hrenović
Review article

Thallium Toxicity in Humans (page 111-118)

Petra Cvjetko, Ivan Cvjetko, Mirjana Pavlica
Review article

Report of the Poison Control Centre for the Period 1 January - 31 December 2009 (page 147-152)

Veda Marija Varnai, Jelena Macan, Anita Ljubičić Ćalušić, Ivana Sabolić-Pipinić, Rajka Turk

(page A3-A5)


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