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  • Publication date: 14.01.2005.
  • Published on HRČAK: 17.12.2010.

Table of contents

Full text

Introduction: Critical Theories and Musicology (page 3-6)

Martina Viljoen

Music Theory, Analysis and Deconstruction: How They Might (Just) Get along Together (page 37-82)

Christopher Norris
Original scientific paper

Ideology and Interpretation: a Figurative Semiotics of Musical Discourse (page 83-99)

Martina Viljoen
Original scientific paper

Glazbena kritika i Adorno (page 101-116)

Music Criticism and Adorno (page 101-116)

Stephanus Muller
Original scientific paper

Music as Historical Source: Social History and Musical Texts (page 117-134)

Shirli Gilbert
Original scientific paper

Lacan and Critical Musicology (page 135-158)

Bert Olivier
Original scientific paper

Derrida's Quasi-Transcendental Interweaving of Invention and Interpretation (page 159-178)

Andrea Hurst
Original scientific paper

Explosions in Visual Art, Literature and Music (page 179-197)

Suzanne de Villiers Human
Original scientific paper

Festive Critique and Agency in Felix Laband's 4/4 Down the Stairs (page 199-220)

Michael Titlestad, Martina Viljeon
Original scientific paper

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