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  • Publication date: 14.06.2011.
  • Published on HRČAK: 14.06.2011.

Table of contents

Full text

Mare’s milk: composition and protein fraction in comparison with different milk species (page 107-113)

Klemen Potočnik, Vesna Gantner, Krešimir Kuterovac, Angela Cividini
Review article

Effect of prolonged storage on microbiological quality of raw milk (page 114-124)

Bogdan Perko
Original scientific paper

Application of high intensity ultrasound treatment on Enterobacteriae count in milk (page 125-134)

Edita Juraga, Brankica Sobota Šalamon, Zoran Herceg, Anet Režek Jambrak
Original scientific paper

Effects of high hidrostatic pressure on the viscosity of β-lactoglobulin solution (page 135-144)

Danijela Marjanović, Snežana Jovanović, Albert Baars, Miroljub Barać
Original scientific paper

Temperature-dose relationships with aflatoxin M1 in milk on the brine shrimp (Artemia salina) larvae (page 145-153)

Lejla Duraković, Mihaela Blažinkov, Andrea Skelin, Sanja Sikora, Frane Delaš, Mirna Mrkonjić-Fuka, Katarina Huić-Babić, Sulejman Redžepović
Original scientific paper

Impact of enzymatic hydrolyzed lactose on fermentation and growth of probiotic bacteria in whey (page 154-160)

Bojan Matijević, Katarina Lisak, Rajka Božanić, Ljubica Tratnik
Preliminary communication

Change of lactose content after milk fermentation using various microbial cultures (page 161-167)

Ivana Vinko, Rajka Božanić, Željka Golem, Inga Kesner-Koren, Stjepan Mahnet
Preliminary communication

Chemical and textural attributes of Hellim (Halloumi) cheese marketed in Turkey (page 168-174)

Bülent Ergönül, Pelin Günç Ergönül, A. Kemal Seçkin
Preliminary communication

Effect of chemical composition of sheep’s milk on the chemical composition of Livno and Travnik cheese (page 175-181)

Amina Hrković, Aida Hodžić, Zlatan Sarić, Muhidin Hamamdžić, Mensur Vegara, Ermin Šaljić, Eva Juhas-Pašić
Professional paper

Presence of inhibitory substances in raw milk in the area of Montenegro (page 182-187)

Nikoleta Nikolić, Slavko Mirecki, Maja Blagojević
Professional paper

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