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Hvar City Theatre Days , Vol. 36 No. 1, 2010.

  • Publication date: 27.04.2010.
  • Published on HRČAK: 28.10.2011.

Table of contents

Full text

The Theme of Escape in Old Literature from Dubrovnik (page 11-46)

Dunja Fališevac
Original scientific paper

Mande Krkarka’s Travels (page 47-71)

Milovan Tatarin
Original scientific paper

Connotations of Traveling in The Slavic Fairy (Vila Slovinka) (page 88-138)

Zlata Šundalić
Original scientific paper

Journey as a Way of Escape at Nehajev’s Intellectuals (page 159-175)

Lucijana Armanda
Original scientific paper

Kamo je pobjegao Leone? (page 192-203)

Where did Leone Escape? (page 192-203)

Nikola Batušić
Original scientific paper

The Woyage of Viktor Vida (The Odyssey of the Woyage and the Return) (page 204-219)

Branka Brlenić-Vujić
Original scientific paper

The Fugue or the Escape? (page 220-243)

Fuga ili bijeg? (page 220-243)

Pavao Pavličić
Original scientific paper

Spacial Practises in Poems of Gustav Krklec (page 244-261)

Ivana Drenjančević
Original scientific paper

Slamnig’s Postmodern Escape (page 262-288)

Kristina Grgić
Original scientific paper

Travel as an Expression of Crisis of Subject – Traveler (page 289-313)

Lana Molvarec
Original scientific paper

Traveling / Wandaing / Escaping in the Poetry and Prose of Simo Mraović (page 332-350)

Helena Peričić
Original scientific paper

The Wild West: the Fall or the Flight? (page 351-367)

Andrea Milanko
Original scientific paper

Drama in Transition – Escape from the Future (page 368-381)

Ivan Trojan
Original scientific paper

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