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  • Publication date: 01.06.2006.
  • Published on HRČAK: 16.11.2012.

Table of contents

Full text

Introduction: Emotions and rationality in moral philosophy (page 5-9)

Christine Clavien, Julien Deonna, Ivo Wallimann

What is wrong with Reid's criticism of Hume on moral approbation? (page 11-26)

Laurent Jaffro
Original scientific paper

Responsibility for others' emotions (page 27-44)

Sophie Rietti
Original scientific paper

Autonomy and the emotions (page 45-59)

Christine Tappolet
Original scientific paper

Moral emotions, principles, and the locus of moral perception (page 61-80)

Joseph E. Corbi
Original scientific paper

Two approaches to self-love: Hutcheson and Butler (page 81-96)

Christian Maurer
Original scientific paper

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