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  • Publication date: 15.12.2006.
  • Published on HRČAK: 24.01.2007.

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At the end of the second (27th) volume (page 67-70)

Tibor Pentek

Natural composition of tree species as a basis for model development of stumpage price (page 71-80)

Boštjan Košir, Živko Košir, Janez Krč
Original scientific paper

Comminution of logging residues with a tub grinder: Calculation of productivity and procurement cost of wood chips (page 103-114)

Takuyuki Yoshioka, Rin Sakurai, Kazuhiro Aruga, Toshio Nitami, Hideo Sakai, Hiroshi Kobayashi
Preliminary communication

Technological and Environmental Parameters of Helicopter Timber Extraction in Slovakia (page 123-133)

Valéria Messingerová, Jozef Tajboš
Preliminary communication

Current state and development possibilities of wood chip supply chains in Austria (page 135-145)

Karl Stampfer, Christian Kanzian
Review article

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