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  • Publication date: 09.12.2008.
  • Published on HRČAK: 03.05.2013.

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Contents (page 2-2)


Progress and her mysteris (page 5-23)

Ivan Kordić
Original scientific paper

The sacrifice. Systematic and historical perspectives (page 59-69)

Franjo Vidović
Original scientific paper

Victims and heroes. Secular lesson from entertainment movies (page 71-86)

Theresia Heimerl
Original scientific paper

Das Vedische Opfer und die Upanishaden (page 87-95)

Christian Feichtinger
Original scientific paper

Ethical criticism of competition law (page 99-123)

Johannes Hoffmann
Original scientific paper

Zwischen Revolution und Ökonomie. Über einige Aspekte sozialer Anwaltschaft (page 125-134)

Christian Beck
Original scientific paper

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