- Status in HRČAK: active
ISSN 0365-0588 (Tisak)
ISSN 1847-8476 (Online) -
UDK: 58
- Contact:
"Acta Botanica Croatica"
Biološki odsjek
Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet
Sveučilište u Zagrebu /
Department of Biology
Faculty of Science,
University of Zagreb
Rooseveltov trg 6
PO Box 333
HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel. (+385 1) 48 77 716
Fax: (+385 1) 48 26 260
Submission of papers and all recent information at:
Dr. Nenad Jasprica
Dr. Mirta Tkalec
e-mail: acta@biol.pmf.hr
Managing Editor:
Dr. Sc. Mateja Jagić
e-mail: mateja.jagic@biol.pmf.hr - Email: acta@biol.pmf.hr
- URL: https://www.abc.botanic.hr/index.php/abc/index
- Publisher:
University of Zagreb Faculty of Science, Division of Biology
Rooseveltov trg 6, 10 000 Zagreb
- Guidelines for authors
- Impressum
Acta Botanica Croatica is an international journal that publishes original articles in the field of plant sciences, from the molecular level to ecosystems. Frequency of publishing is two issues per year. Publishing is free of charge for authors. The journal was founded in 1925, originally entitled Acta Botanica Instituti Botanici Regalis Universitatis Zagrebensis. Since 1957 journal is published under the name Acta Botanica Croatica. Acta Botanica Croatica is financially supported by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of Republic of Croatia. Former Editors-in-Chief: V. Vouk (1925-1956), S. Horvatić (1957-1968), Lj. Ilijanić (1969-1992), Lj. Marković (1992-1998), D. Viličić (1998-2013) and B. Salopek Sondi (2013-2018). Aims and Scopes The journal covers all major fields of plant biology: vegetation, systematic botany and flora, ecology, arheobotany, anatomy and morphology, molecular biology, genetics and cytogenetics, physiology/stress physiology, toxicology, biochemistry, metabolomics, plant related microbiology, algal taxonomy and ecology. Manuscripts focusing upon the lowland and karstic areas of southern Europe, karstic waters, other types of fresh water, and the Adriatic (Mediterranean) Sea are particularly welcome. Indexing Acta Botanica Croatica is covered by the major abstracting and indexing services (such as Scopus, Web of Science – Science Citation Index Expanded etc.) IF 2014: 0.839; IF 2015: 0.734; IF 2016: 0.516; IF 2017: 0.58; IF 2018: 0.985; IF 2019: 1.051; IF 2020: 1.051; IF 2021: 1.020; IF 2022: 1.3; IF 2023: 1.1; 5-year IF: 1.2. Valuable information such as instructions to authors, information on manuscript submissions and editorial work may be found on the websites: www.abc.botanic.hr. Financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.
- Peer review: peer review, international peer review, only scientific papers, single blind review, double
- First year of publication: 1925.
- Frequency (annually): 2
- Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Biology, Natural Sciences
- Date added to HRČAK: 19.05.2006.
- Rights: Full-text papers can be used for personal or educational purposes only. Authors' and publisher's copyrights must be acknowledged. Subscription details: Current issues and archive of Acta Botanica Croatica is entirely and freely available online. The print version is available after subscription. Annual subscription for printed issues: Individuals, institutions and companies 40 EUR (50 USD). Payment should be made after receipt of the invoice using bank transfer. Contact: acta@biol.pmf.hr