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Preliminary communication

Inovation Fostering – Key Factor of Development in Croatian Forestry

Stjepan Posavec orcid id ; Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Mario Šporčić ; Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Davor Antonić ; Hrvatske šume UŠP Požega
Karlo Beljan ; Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

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page 243-255

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By Croatia’s approaching to the EU a new and large market is opening, which is full of large potential, but also of great challenges. Modern business in such conditions demands from managers of state and other orga­nizations constant changes and adaptation to the demands of the market, as well as activation of its full capacities and potentials. Forestry is not an excep­tion, and it must, with its own innovations, become competitive and profitable on a global level. Rural development is one of the primary goals of EU, and forestry is directly enrolled in technological, organizational and production and recreational changes which have happened or will happen, in order to se­cure its development. Global processes which demand adaptation to and ope­ning of the market are set in motion, and in this context forestry needs new products and services with high added value. The innovations are regarded as an instrument which can improve competitiveness of forest products and which can strengthen the development of forestry and wood processing, and in these way secure successful reactions to the challenges, and be a lever of furt­her development of forestry sector.
An unfavorable status of innovativeness in state forest management com­pany has been found through testing of the opinions and attitudes of its per­sonnel with academic education. All the three hypotheses which have been stated in the research have been confirmed. In this way the analysis of the key questions from the questionnaire have shown that:
Company has a low innovation culture, due to its close to monopolistic po­sition and to its strict hierarchical structure.
Employees seldom or not at all think about innovations. If such attempt exists, it is most frequently discouraged by lack of adequate stimulation and by bureaucratic impediments
Innovations related to production processes are the most common type of innovations that are being developed within the Company. By this innovations related to organization and marketing, and to the development of new pro­ducts and services are being neglected.
Other findings of the research suggest that 2–4% of interviewees consider that work is being appreciated, and that the level of income depends on the re­sults of work. Approximately same percentage of employees thinks that the Company has a functional system for evaluation of ideas, and that it effecti­vely and in a quick manner make a decision. On the other hand, most of the employees states that there is a potential for innovations, and that the work processes can be improved. As main impediments they stress out lack of fina­ncial assets, external sources of funding and lack of information. Compared with other countries of central Europe, a significantly lower level of innovations in Croatia has been observed, especially when it comes to perception of the positive influence of innovation and the success of production.
It has to be stipulated that Hrvatske šume Ltd. in 2005 have made an Rule-book on innovative actions. Some of its most important parts state that the Company is entitled to intellectual property if its is made in the process of ful­fillment of work obligations; that its author is entitled to a single payment if the innovation demonstrates direct or indirect benefits to the company. It is also prescribed that its author of applied innovation is entitled to 1% of reve­nues created by its application, and that the Company will financially stimu­late the organizational unit which first begins with its implementation in the case that the implementation requires substantial financial resources.
With regard to the above stated, a legislative framework does exist; howe­ver, a system of incentives, evaluation and of rewarding of gifted individuals does not exist. Accordingly, a system of punishment of irresponsible em­ployees also does not exist. Any kind of development of innovations and crea­tivity in a company rests on quality management of human resources and on a system of evaluation of rewarding of work of individuals. Low percentage of innovations in forestry of Croatia can partly be explained by the main impedi­ments that innovative employees meet: bureaucracy, lack of organizational culture, lack of motivation. By this the potential innovators may abandon their ideas and already started projects, or their will be unable to secure funding and support for the continuation of their activities. For these reasons, as addi­tion to the formulated Rulebook, it is necessary to make a quality program of encouragement and rewarding of creativity, which is a pillar for the innova­tive culture of a company. This research provides a framework picture of the status of innovativeness in forestry of Croatia. It points out to certain pro­blems, but mainly stipulates to importance of innovations as a means for reac­hing growth and development, and for creation of competitive advantage compared to other forest companies. Findings of the research point out to a need for further analysis on a bigger sample, and to a need for implementa­tion of a broad research about innovativeness in the management of both pu­blic and private forests in the forests in Croatia


creativity; forest economics; innovations in forestry; Innovativeness

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Article data in other languages: croatian

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