Croatica Chemica Acta, Vol. 46 No. 2, 1974.
Short communication, Note
Secondary Deuterium Isotope Effects in Solvolysis of Cyclopentyl p-Bromobenzenesulfonate in Dioxane-Water Mixtures. Stereochemistry of E1 and SN 1 Reactions
K. Humski
; Faculty of Technology, University of Zagreb, 44000 Sisak
V. Sendijarević
; Institute »Ruder Boskovic«, 41000 Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia
V. J. Shiner
; Department of Chemistry, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47401
In the continuation of our study1 on the rela:tionship between the magnitude
of secondary deuterium isotope effects and the reaction pathways in
solvolytic SNl and El reaotions, we report the results obtained in differentdiox·ane- water (D- W) mixtures wi·th specifd.cally deuternrted cyclopenrtylbrosylates. For this purpose, required cyclopentainol, cyclopentanol-1-d (a-d),
cis-cyclopentanol-2-d (cis-B-d), trans-cyclopentanol-2-d (trans-B-d) and cyclopentarrol-2,3,5,4-d4 (B-d.;) were prepared as described by Streitwieser et al.2
The correspond~ng b.rosylates were prepared by rthe usual Tipson procedure3 •The deuterium content was greater than 93 0/o 1in all of deuterated compounds
as was determined by mass spectral analysis.
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