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U temeljima hrvatske arheologije

Miljenko Lapaine

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In the Foundations of Croatian Archaeology



Archaeology is a science that systematically studies and researches ancient material remains with the aim of reconstructing the entire life of mankind. There is no need to prove that maps are an important aid to archaeologists in their work. It is therefore not surprising that archaeological museums have large and valuable collections of maps. I saw this for myself when, many years ago, as a young assistant professor at the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, I assigned my first seminar paper. The topic was cartography and cartographers at the Archaeological Museum in Split.

The exhibition "In the Foundations of Croatian Archaeology" was held at the Zvonimir Gallery in Solin from 13 October to 13 November 2021. The exhibition was set up on the occasion of 200 years of systematic archaeological research of Salona. The author of the exhibition and the catalogue of the same name is Arsen Duplančić.

The catalogue of the exhibition in Croatian and with the translation of the introduction into English was printed in 2021 in Split. The publishers are the Archaeological Museum in Split (ISBN 978-953-7633-40-0) and the Public Institution of Culture "Zvonimir" in Solin (ISBN 978-953-59768-8-2).

The catalogue is 22.5 × 28 cm, paperback, has 60 pages, and is divided into these basic chapters:

Introduction, Catalogue, Literature and In the foundations of Croatian archaeology. The catalogue contains a description of 91 exhibits, which are copies of documents, pictures, photographs, reports, maps, plans, sketches and items.

From the Introduction we find out: "In the spring of 1818, Emperor Francis I and his wife Caroline Augusta set out on a journey through Croatia and get to know the new lands that came under the Austrian crown after the fall of Napoleon. The journey had not only political and military but also cultural characteristics that will be of great importance for Croatian archaeology. Upon arrival in Split, they toured the remains of Diocletian's Palace and other antiquities and went to Solin to see the ruins of the former metropolis of the Roman province of Dalmatia. Delighted by what he saw and encouraged by the opinions of experts, the Emperor made the decision to establish the Archaeological Museum in Split, which was carried out by a decree of the Dalmatian government from 22 August 1820. The physician from Split, Dr. Carlo Lanza was appointed the first director. On 2 October 1821 he started the excavations in Salona, so this date can be considered the beginning of systematic archaeological institutional research not only in Salona but, due to its continuity, in Croatia as well. The 200th anniversary of the founding of the Museum (1820−2020) and the 200th anniversary of the excavations in Salona (1821−2021) are an occasion to show the public how the Museum and works in Salona developed in the first thirty years. This period was chosen because from 1850 to 1872 there was a long lull. Everything came to life again in 1872, when Mihovil Glavinić became the director, while the golden age encompasses the time of Don Frane Bulić’s administration from 1884 to 1926.

The exhibition is based on the manuscripts and printed materials from the Museum, in particular on the reports and graphic documentation that for the most part were not known or published. Its importance is reflected in the fact that part of the items has disappeared or is difficult to identify due to numerous relocations and theft. Some items, in the meanwhile, have been damaged, and some have been marred, especially by salt, due to long-term storage in former salt warehouses. A comparison of today's situation with old drawings clearly indicates all that. Extensive written reports are important because they list all the findings in detail several times, while they are summarized in articles and books. … The Archaeological Museum in Split is the oldest museum institution in the south-eastern part of Europe, its directors were professors in the departments of archaeology and art history, it provided excellent experts and academics, since 1878 it has published our oldest archaeological journal and the beginnings of the conservation service are associated with it. … The Salona Museum and research, both due to its age and its comprehensiveness, are at the foundations of Croatian archaeology, hence the name of the exhibition. Their interconnection should be an incentive for further and more successful work, for new discoveries, publications and raising awareness that without deep, strong and branched roots there is no stable and durable tree. "

U temeljima hrvatske arheologije


Arheologija je znanost koja sustavno proučava i istražuje stare materijalne ostatke s ciljem rekonstrukcije cjelokupnog života čovječanstva. Ne treba posebno dokazivati da su karte važno pomagalo arheolozima u njihovu radu. Zbog toga ne čudi da arheološki muzeji imaju velike i vrijedne zbirke karata. O tome sam se sam uvjerio kad sam prije mnogo godina, kao mladi docent na Geodetskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu zadao prvi seminarski rad. Tema je bila kartografija i kartografi u Arheološkom muzeju u Splitu.

U galeriji Zvonimir u Solinu 13. listopada do 13. studenoga 2021. održana je izložba „U temeljima hrvatske arheologije“. Izložba je bila postavljena u povodu 200 godina sustavnih arheoloških istraživanja Salone. Autor izložbe i istoimenog kataloga je Arsen Duplančić.

Katalog izložbe na hrvatskom jeziku i prijevodom uvoda na engleski tiskan je 2021. godine u Splitu. Nakladnici su Arheološki muzje u Splitu (ISBN 978-953-7633-40-0) i Javna ustanova u kulturi „Zvonimir“ u Solinu (ISBN 978-953-59768-8-2).

Katalog je formata 22,5×28 cm, mekog uveza, sadrži 60 stranica, a podijeljen je na ova osnovna poglavlja:

Uvod, Katalog, Literatura i In the foundations of Croatian archaeology. Katalog sadrži opis 91 izloška, a to su kopije dokumenata, slika, fotografija, izvještaja, karata, planova, skica i predmeta.

Iz Uvoda saznajemo: „U proljeće 1818. car Franjo I. i njegova supruga Karolina Augusta kreću na put po Hrvatskoj i upoznaju nove krajeve koji su nakon pada Napoleona pripali austrijskoj kruni. Putovanje je imalo ne samo politička i vojna nego i kulturološka obilježja koja će biti od izuzetne važnosti za hrvatsku arheologiju. Po dolasku u Split oni su razgledali ostatke Dioklecijanove palače i druge starine te otišli u Solin vidjeti ruševine nekadašnje metropole rimske provincije Dalmacije. Oduševljen viđenim i potaknut mišljenjima stručnjaka car je donio odluku o osnivanju Arheološkog muzeja u Splitu koja je provedena dekretom Dalmatinske vlade od 22. VIII. 1820. godine. Za prvog ravnatelja imenovan je splitski liječnik dr. Carlo Lanza koji je 2. X. 1821. započeo iskopavanja u Saloni pa se taj datum može smatrati početkom sustavnih arheoloških institucionalnih istraživanja ne samo u Saloni već, zbog njihovog kontinuiteta, i u Hrvatskoj. Dvjestota obljetnica osnivanja Muzeja (1820−2020) i dvjestota obljetnica istraživanja u Saloni (1821−2021) povod su da se javnosti prikaže kako su se u prvih trideset godina razvijali Muzej i radovi u Saloni. Odabrano je upravo to razdoblje jer od 1850. do 1872. nastupa dugo zatišje. Sve opet oživljava 1872. kada ravnatelj postaje Mihovil Glavinić, a zlatno doba obuhvaća vrijeme uprave don Frane Bulića od 1884. do 1926. godine.

Izložba se zasniva na rukopisnoj i tiskanoj građi iz Muzeja, a naročito na izvještajima i grafičkoj dokumentaciji koja najvećim dijelom nije bila poznata ni objavljivana. Njena važnost ogleda se u činjenici da je dio predmeta zbog brojnih selidbi, a i krađa, nestao ili se teško može identificirati. Neki su predmeti u međuvremenu oštećeni, a neki stradali osobito od posolice zbog dugotrajnog smještaja u nekadašnjim skladištima soli. Usporedba današnjeg stanja sa starim crtežima jasno ukazuje na sve to. Opširni pisani izvještaji su važni jer su u njima više puta detaljno popisani svi nalazi, dok su u člancima i knjigama navedeni sumarno. … Arheološki muzej u Splitu je najstarija muzejska ustanova u jugoistočnom dijelu Europe, njegovi su ravnatelji bili profesori na odsjecima za arheologiju i povijest umjetnosti, dao je vrsne stručnjake i akademike, od 1878. objavljuje naš najstariji arheološki časopis i uz njega se vežu počeci konzervatorske službe. … Muzej i istraživanja Salone, kako zbog starosti tako zbog sveobuhvatnosti, nalaze se u temeljima hrvatske arheologije pa otuda i naziv izložbe. Njihova međusobna isprepletenost treba biti poticaj za daljnji još uspješniji rad, za nova otkrića, publikacije i jačanje svijesti da bez dubokog, snažnog i razgranatog korijenja nema postojanog i izdržljivog stabla.“