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Valvasor in Istria

Mladenka Kosanović

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The Historical and Maritime Museum of Istria (Museo storico e navale dell Istria), Pula (Pola), provided the general public with interesting access to part of Valvasor's heritage, with the exhibition entitled Valvasor in Istria. The authors of the exhibition, Katarina Marić and Sunčica Mustač, are responsible for the realization of this valuable and interesting event. The exhibition marked in a special way the 333 years since the publication of the book Die Ehre deß Herzogthums Crain / Slava Vojvodine Kranjske by Johann Weichard Valvasor.


Valvasor; exhibition; Istra

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Visits: 625 *

References / Literatura


Marić K, Mustač S (2022) Valvasor u Istri. Povijesni i pomorski muzej Istre,Pula


Novosel-Žic P, Richter-Novosel Ž (2000) Naši kartografi 16. i 17. stoljeća. Geodetski list , 54, 1, 1-13.


Pregelj I (1912) Valvasor in Istra, u: Biskup dr. Juraj Dobrila, spomen-knjiga stogodišnjice njegova rođenja, urednik A. Kalac. Tiskovno društvo,Pazin, pretisak 2012. godine

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Valvasor in Istria

Exhibition in the Historical and Maritime Museum of Istria

The Historical and Maritime Museum of Istria (Museo storico e navale dell Istria), Pula (Pola), provided the general public with interesting access to part of Valvasor's heritage, with the exhibition entitled Valvasor in Istria. The authors of the exhibition, Katarina Marić and Sunčica Mustač, are responsible for the realization of this valuable and interesting event. The exhibition marked in a special way the 333 years since the publication of the book Die Ehre deß Herzogthums Crain / Slava Vojvodine Kranjske by Johann Weichard Valvasor. It is worthy of admiration how much effort and knowledge the authors of the exhibition put into the transcription of parts of the book from the Gothic font and the translation from mittelhochdeutscha into standard German and then into Croatian. As the book was printed in 1689, the context of the time and the customs witnessed at that time had to be considered during the translation. As part of the exhibition, an international scientific conference was organized on 9 June 2023, organized by the History and Maritime Museum of Istria, the Juraj Dobrila University in Pula / Department of History of the Faculty of Humanities and the County of Istria.

Although the exhibition opened in July 2022, it still arouses public interest, which is understandable because the authors of the exhibition put a lot of effort into presenting such an interesting topic to the public. Upon entering the museum’s exhibition space, you can feel the spirit of the past, which was achieved by an excellent selection of ambiance and a well-thought-out exhibition display. Renowned designer Mauricio Ferlin was in charge of setting up the display and graphic design. The central part of the exhibition is dominated by the three volumes of the book Die Ehre deß Herzogthums Crain / Slava Vojvodine Kranjske which are exhibited in their original form in glass cases. The participants of the international scientific conference had the opportunity, with expert guidance, to take a closer look at the book.

On the side walls of the exhibition space, there are enlarged prints with short excerpts from the book in the original German language, as well as translations into Croatian, Italian and English, so that by looking at the prints, you get the impression that you are walking through these areas of Istria through the past, recalling the present appearance of those regions.

The interesting part of the exhibition is the detailed prints of Tinjan, divided into three large format parts located in the central part of the space, creating a sense of three-dimensionality and perspective. The animated film Jure Grando − Štrigun from Kringa directed by Martin Babić with music by Tamara Obrovac contributes to the atmosphere.

Johann Weichard Valvasor − Janez Vajkard Valvasor (1641−1693)


Johann Weichard Valvasor was born in a noble family in 1641 as the twelfth of seventeen brothers and sisters. He received his formal education at the age of eleven at the Jesuit high school in Ljubljana. After high school, he devoted himself to military service, and as he showed a wide interest in acquiring knowledge in various fields, he spent the next fourteen years travelling. He visited Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and in 1669 Africa. He also participated in the war conflicts against the Turks near Senj in 1664 and 1665. After returning from a trip in 1672, he and his wife bought the Bogenšperk Castle, Črni potok and Lihtenberk under Bogenšperk.

As Valvasor's areas of interest were history, art, ethnography, cartography and various areas of natural and social sciences, during his life he collected books, prints, various artefacts, mathematical instruments and rare objects, with which he would enrich his knowledge, as well as the valuable collection located in the Bogenšperk Castle. By 1685, Valvasor's library in the Bogenšperk Castle had several thousand volumes and a collection of prints with more than 7,000 sheets of prints.

In his castle, Valvasor gathered collaborators and assistants from various professions who would help him in the realization of his capital work, the book Die Ehre deß Herzogthums Crain / Slava Vojvodine Kranjske. In order to be able to print such extensive content with numerous topographic representations, Valvasor founded a print workshop and a copper-plate printing press.

In 1687, J. W. Valvasor became a member of the Royal Society of London, the oldest English scientific society. He was also interested in astronomy, and it is also interesting to note that he socialized with Edmund Halley. However, all his numerous research ventures, collecting of prints, books and various objects, and investments in a printing press, would lead him to financial problems, so he was forced to sell almost all of his possessions. According to some authors, Valvasor gave the library and the print collection to the Bishop of Zagreb, Aleksandar Mikulić, for financial compensation. Thus, Valvasor's library with its print collection became the core collection of the new Metropolitane library.

Johann Weichard Valvasor died impoverished and devastated at the age of 52. If he could be a witness to today's times, he would surely find solace in the fact that his legacy arouses interest even after 333 years. The authors gave one Valvasor’s quote a special place in the exhibition: "No journey was too long, no danger too great, no effort too difficult, if I can convey my experience to just one curious person".

Die Ehre deß Herzogthums Crain / Slava Vojvodine Kranjske

The most important preparations for the creation of the book Slava Vojvodine Kranjske consisted in the creation of the copper-plate engravings atlas. The first and one of the most important copper-plate atlases is Topographia Ducatus Carnioliae Modernae / Topografija sadašnje Vojvodine Kranjske, which contains 316 copper-plate engravings of places in Carniola and Istria, which was printed in 1679. Pavao Ritter Vitezović also took part in this, making around 60 copper-plate engravings. The drawings that preceded the creation of copper engravings were made in the field. It is believed that the drawings were made by Valvasor himself.

The fact that it consists of fifteen books written on 3532 pages with 24 appendices and 528 copper-plate engravings shows how extensive the work Die Ehre deß Herzogthums Crain / Slava Vojvodine Kranjske is.

In this impressive work, Valvasor describes the folk customs, language, culture, way of life, landscape, as well as the habits and superstitions of that era. With the exhibition Valvasor in Istria, the authors highlighted interesting places in Istria with accompanying illustrations.

Maps from the Valvasor collection

It should be emphasized that an integral part of Valvasor's print collection is one of the most significant works of Croatian cartographic heritage, namely the 1673 Stjepan Glavač map.

J. W. Valvasor created several maps, of which the 1684 map of Carniola and the 1685 map of Croatia stand out. For the purposes of the Valvasor in Istria exhibition, the maps of Carniola and Istria were highlighted. The Historical and Maritime Museum of Istria from Pula permitted to publish the photos of those two maps, for which we thank the Museum.

Valvasor describes the area of Carniola in five parts, namely: Upper Carniola or Gorenjsko, Lower Carniola or Dolenjsko, Middle Carniola or Venetian region, Inner Carniola or Notranjsko and Istria as the fifth part.

On the 1684 map of Carniola, the basic information about the map is written in the cartouche located in the upper right corner of the map. The title of the map, its author and place of creation are described in the following text: “Carniolia Karstia Histria et Windorum Marchia delineata et recens edita Per Ioem Weichardum Valvasor L.B. 22 Wagensbergi Carniolia”. Under the cartouche at the bottom of the map there is a graphic scale in German miles (Milliaria Germanica communia). The coat of arms of Carniola is drawn on the left side of the map, while its borders are marked with a dotted line.

The authors of the exhibition state in the book Valvasor in Istria next to the description of the map of Istria: “The eastern border of Istria starts from Prezid (Vražji vrtec) in the north, along the Kvarner Bay to Brseč and Kršan in the south, west towards Beram to Tinjan, then upowards towards Lupoglav and goes along the Venetian border to Golec on Kras".

The map of Istria has only the inscription “Das lezte Fvnff(te) T(hei)l, Das ist Histereich”.




Director of the Historical and Maritime Museum of Istria Mr. Gracijano Kešac enabled contact with the authors of the exhibition, and I hereby thank him for his kindness. The Historical and Maritime Museum of Istria provided photographs of portraits of J. W. Valvasor, maps of Carniola and maps of Istria, for which I would especially like to thank them. Thank you to the authors of the exhibition, Katarina Marić and Sunčica Mustač.

Valvasor u Istri

Izložba u Povijesnom i pomorskom muzeju Istre

Povijesni i pomorski muzej Istre u Puli (Museo storico e navale dell Istria, Pola), omogućio je široj javnosti zanimljiv pristup dijelu Valvasorove baštine, izložbom pod nazivom Valvasor u Istri. Za realizaciju ovog vrijednog i zanimljivog događaja zaslužne su autorice izložbe Katarina Marić i Sunčica Mustač. Izložba je na poseban način obilježila 333. godine od tiskanja knjige Die Ehre deß Herzogthums Crain / Slava Vojvodine Kranjske autora Johanna Weicharda Valvasora. Vrijedno je divljenja koliko su truda i znanja autorice izložbe uložile u transkripciju dijelova knjige s gotice te prijevoda s mittelhochdeutscha na standardni njemački jezik, a potom na hrvatski jezik. Kako je knjiga tiskana 1689. godine, pri prijevodu je trebalo voditi računa i o kontekstu vremena i običaja kojima je to vrijeme svjedočilo. U sklopu izložbe organiziran je međunarodni znanstveni skup 9. lipnja 2023. u organizaciji Povijesnog i pomorskog muzeja Istre, Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli / Odsjek za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta i Istarske županije.

Iako je izložba otvorena u srpnju 2022., još uvijek pobuđuje interes javnosti, što je razumljivo jer su autorice izložbe uložile velik trud da se ovakva zanimljiva tema predstavi javnosti. Ulaskom u izložbeni prostor muzeja osjetite duh prošlosti što je postignuto odličnim odabirom ambijenta i dobro osmišljenim postavom izložbe. Za oblikovanje postava i grafičko oblikovanje bio je zadužen renomirani dizajner Mauricio Ferlin. Središnjim dijelom izložbe dominiraju tri toma knjige Die Ehre deß Herzogthums Crain / Slava Vojvodine Kranjske koji su u izvornom obliku izloženi u staklenim vitrinama. Sudionici međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa su imali priliku, uz stručno vodstvo, pobliže promotriti knjigu.

Na bočnim zidovima izložbenog prostora nalaze se uvećane grafike s kratkim isječcima iz knjige na izvornom njemačkom jeziku, te prijevoda na hrvatski, talijanski i engleski jezik, tako da promatranjem grafika stječete dojam da šećete tim područjima Istre kroz prošlost, prizivajući u sjećanje današnji izgled tih krajeva.

Zanimljivost izložbe je raščlanjena grafika Tinjana, na tri dijela velikih formata smještenih u središnji dio prostora koji stvaraju osjećaj trodimenzionalnosti i perspektive. Ugođaju doprinose animirani film Jure Grando − Štrigun from Kringa u režiji Martina Babića i glazba Tamare Obrovac.

Johann Weichard Valvasor − Janez Vajkard Valvasor (1641−1693)

Johann Weichard Valvasor rođen je u plemićkoj obitelji 1641. godine kao dvanaesto dijete od sedamnaestero braće i sestara. Formalno obrazovanje stječe s jedanaest godina u isusovačkoj gimnaziji u Ljubljani. Nakon gimnazije posvećuje se vojnoj službi, a kako pokazuje širok interes za stjecanje znanja na raznim područjima, sljedećih četrnaest godina provest će na putovanjima. Obilazi Njemačku, Austriju, Švicarsku, Italiju te 1669. i Afriku. Sudjelovao je i u ratnim sukobima protiv Turaka kod Senja 1664. i 1665. godine. Nakon povratka s putovanja 1672. godine kupuje sa svojom suprugom dvorac Bogenšperk, Črni potok i Lihtenberk pod Bogenšperkom.

Kako su Valvasorova područja interesa bila povijest, umjetnost, etnografija, kartografija te razna područja prirodnih i društvenih znanosti, tijekom života prikupljao je knjige, grafike, razne artefakte, matematičke instrumente i rijetke predmete, kojima bi obogaćivao svoje znanje, a i vrijednu zbirku smještenu u dvorcu Bogenšperku. Do 1685. godine Valvasorova knjižnica u dvorcu Bogenšperk posjedovala je nekoliko tisuća svezaka i grafičku zbirku s više od 7000 grafičkih listova.

U svom dvorcu Valvasor okuplja suradnike i pomoćnike raznih struka koji će mu pomoći u ostvarenju kapitalnog djela, knjige Die Ehre deß Herzogthums Crain / Slava Vojvodine Kranjske. Kako bi mogao tiskati tako opsežan sadržaj s mnogobrojnim topografskim prikazima, Valvasor je osnovao grafičku radionicu i bakroreznu tiskaru.

Godine 1687. J. W. Valvasor postao je članom Royal Society of London, najstarijeg engleskog znanstvenog društva. Njegov interes obuhvaćao je i astronomiju, a zanimljivo je i da se družio s Edmundom Halleyem. Međutim, svi njegovi mnogobrojni istraživački pothvati, prikupljanje grafika, knjiga i raznih predmeta, te ulaganja u tiskaru, dovest će ga do financijskih problema, pa je bio prisiljen prodati gotovo svu svoju imovinu. Valvasor je knjižnicu i grafičku zbirku ustupio, prema nekim autorima, uz novčanu naknadu, zagrebačkom biskupu Aleksandru Mikuliću. Time je Valvasorova knjižnica s grafičkom zbirkom postala temeljna zbirka nove knjižnice Metropolitane.

Johann Weichard Valvasor umire osiromašen i shrvan u 52. godini. Kada bi mogao biti svjedok današnjem vremenu, zasigurno bi našao utjehu u tome da njegova ostavština pobuđuje interes i nakon 333. godine. Autorice su jednom Valvasorovom citatu dale posebno mjesto na izložbi: “Nijedan put nije bio predug, nijedna opasnost prevelika, nijedan napor pretežak, ako i samo jednom znatiželjniku mogu prenijeti svoje iskustvo“.

Die Ehre deß Herzogthums Crain / Slava Vojvodine Kranjske

Najvažnije pripreme za izradu knjige Slava Vojvodine Kranjske sastojale su se u izradi atlasa bakroreza. Prvi i jedan od najvažnijih atlasa bakroreza je Topographia Ducatus Carnioliae Modernae / Topografija sadašnje Vojvodine Kranjske u kojoj se nalazi 316 bakroreza kranjskih i istarskih mjesta, a tiskana je 1679. godine. U tome je sudjelovao i Pavao Ritter Vitezović izradivši oko 60 bakroreza. Crteži koji su prethodili izradi bakroreza izrađivali su se na terenu. Smatra se da je crteže izrađivao i sam Valvasor.

Koliko je opsežno djelo Die Ehre deß Herzogthums Crain / Slava Vojvodine Kranjske govori podatak da se sastoji od petnaest knjiga napisanih na 3532 stranice s 24 priloga i 528 bakroreza.

Valvasor u tom impozantnom djelu opisuje narodne običaje, jezik, kulturu, način življenja, krajolik, ali i navike i praznovjera toga doba. Izložbom Valvasor u Istri autorice su istakle zanimljivosti istarskih mjesta s popratnim ilustracijama.

Karte iz Valvasorove zbirke

Potrebno je naglasiti da je sastavni dio Valvasorove grafičke zbirke jedan od najznačajnijih djela hrvatske kartografske baštine, a to je karta Stjepana Glavača iz 1673. godine.

J. W. Valvasor je izradio više karata od kojih se ističu karta Kranjske iz 1684. godine i karta Hrvatske iz 1685. godine. Za potrebe izložbe Valvasor u Istri istaknute su karte Kranjske i Istre. Povijesni i pomorski muzej Istre iz Pule ustupio je fotografije tih dviju karata, na čemu zahvaljujem.

Valvasor opisuje područje Kranjske u pet dijelova, a to su: Gornja Kranjska ili Gorenjsko, Donja Kranjska ili Dolenjsko, Srednja Kranjska ili Mletački kraj, Nutarnja Kranjska ili Notranjsko i Istra kao peti dio.

Na karti Kranjske iz 1684. godine napisani su osnovni podatci o karti u kartuši koja se nalazi u gornjem desnom kutu karte. Naslov karte, njezin autor i mjesto izrade opisani su sljedećim tekstom: „Carniolia Karstia Histria et Windorum Marchia delineata et recens edita Per Ioem Weichardum Valvasor L.B. 22 Wagensbergi Carniolia“. Ispod kartuše pri dnu karte nalazi se grafičko mjerilo u njemačkim miljama (Milliaria Germanica communia). Na lijevoj strani karte ucrtan je grb Kranjske, dok su njezine granice označene točkastom linijom.

Autorice izložbe navode u knjizi Valvasor u Istri uz opis karte Istre: „Istočna granica Istre kreće od Prezida (Vražji vrtec) na sjeveru, uz Kvarnerski zaljev do Brseča i Kršana na jugu, zapadno prema Bermu do Tinjana, pa se diže prema Lupoglavu te uz venecijski kunfin ide do Golca na Krasu“.

Na karti Istre nalazi se tek natpis „Das lezte Fvnff(te) T(hei)l, Das ist Histereich“.


Ravnatelj Povijesnog i pomorskog muzeja Istre, gospodin Gracijano Kešac omogućio je kontakt s autoricama izložbe te mu ovim putem zahvaljujem na susretljivosti. Povijesni i pomorski muzej Istre, ustupio je fotografije portreta J. W. Valvasora, karte Kranjske i karte Istre na čemu im posebno zahvaljujem. Hvala autoricama izložbe Katarini Marić i Sunčici Mustač.