- Status in HRČAK: active
ISSN 1849-8531 (Tisak)
ISSN 2459-5616 (Online) -
UDK: 519.20 (033)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.62366/crebss - Contact: Hrvatsko statističko društvo (Anita Čeh Časni & Josip Arnerić, Chief Editors), Trg J. F. Kennedyja 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. Tel. +385-(0)1-238-3361.
- Email: journal@hsd-stat.hr
- URL: https://hsd-stat.hr/journal/
- Publisher:
Croatian Statistical Association
Trg J. F. Kennedyja 6, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
- Impressum
- Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
- Article template
Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics (CREBSS) is an open access journal published semiannually since 2015, under Creative Common license (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives). The former publisher of the CREBSS journal was Walter de Gruyter GmbH (Sciendo). Starting from the second issue 2023 (Vol. 9, No. 2) the publisher and the owner is Croatian Statistical Association (CSA). All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous and independent double-blinded peer-review process, evaluating articles originality, scientific contribution, clarity, and relevance to the scope of the journal. There is no submission fee or any other article processing charges associated with this journal.
The aim of the journal is to provide high quality scientific articles (original research papers, review papers or preliminary communications) which contribute to theoretical and applied statistics. Published articles can be written on English or Croatian. It's goal is to be multidisciplinary in nature, promoting the ideas between substantive research areas and exchanging experience and knowledge among statisticians, whether they are scientists, professionals, academics or students. The scope of the journal is focused, but not limited to the following topics: data mining and machine learning, econometrics, business statistics, biostatistics, social and behavioral statistics, experimental and survey designs, environmental and spatial statistics, teaching statistics and official statistics.
Croatian Statistical Association, as the publisher of the CREBSS journal, is committed in ensuring the integrity, transparency and ethical behavior of all parties involved in publication process: authors, editors, reviewers, and the publisher itself. Publication ethics and malpractice statement is based on Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Upon acceptance of an article, all co-authors are required to sign an agreement, consenting to transfer the publishing rights to the CSA, agreeing to retain copyrights and warranting that the article is original, authored by the given author(s), and has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere for publication before its acceptance.
- Peer review: peer review, international peer review, all papers, double blind review, double
- First year of publication: 2015.
- Frequency (annually): 2
- Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Information and Communication Sciences, Economics, Social Sciences
- Date added to HRČAK: 05.02.2016.