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Academic annual TITIUS : anals of interdisciplinary research in the Krka river basin

logo Academic annual TITIUS : anals of interdisciplinary research in the Krka river basin
  • Status in HRČAK: stopped issuing on HRČAK
  • ISSN 1847-0742 (Tisak)
  • UDK: 316
  • Contact: Znanstveni projekt: TITIUS: porječje Krke - baština i sociokulturni razvoj, Filozofski fakultet u Splitu, Teslina 12/3, 21000 Split, Croatia.
  • Publisher:
    Project TITIUS: the Krka river basin - heritage and sociocultual expansion (Faculty of Philosophy, Split)
    Nikole Tesle 12/3, 21000 Split
  • Guidelines for authors

Annual TITIUS publishes research, methodological and theoretical articles from the field of sociology and other social sciences and humanities, and from other scientific fields and disciplines, in other words interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary articles which deal with the area of river Krka (in the widest sense of that notion) and/or its heritage (natural and cultural, material and spiritual...) and its socio-cultural development.

  • Peer review: peer review, national peer review, scientific and professional papers, double blind review, double
  • First year of publication: 2008.
  • Frequency (annually): 1
  • Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Interdisciplinary Areas of Knowledge, Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies, Humanities, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Social Sciences
  • Date added to HRČAK: 25.11.2013.
  • Rights: The usage of full-text of the articles published online at the portal Hrcak is free of charge if used exclusively for personal, research-related or educational purposes, with regard to the authors and publishers' rights. Scholars and students using the electronical format of articles are obliged to cite and reference them correctly.