Gynaecologia et perinatologia : journal for gynaecology, perinatology, reproductive medicine and ultrasonic diagnostics

- Status in HRČAK: stopped issuing on HRČAK
ISSN 1330-0091 (Tisak)
UDK: 618
- Contact:
Glavni urednik: dr. sc. Josip Đelmiš, prof. emerit.
Adresa: Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Šalata 3, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Tajnik časopisa: Marina Horvatiček - Publisher:
Croatian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, and Croatian Society of Perinatal Medicine of Croatian Medical Association
Klinika za ženske bolesti i porode KBC-a Zagreb, Petrova 13, Zagreb
- Guidelines for authors
The journal is devoted to gynecologists of all fields since the journal is published by Croatian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, and Croatian Society of Perinatal Medicine of Croatian Medical Association, but also is organ of Croatian Societies for gynecologic endocrinology and reproduction, for gynecologic endoscopy, for colposcopy and diseases of the cervix, for menopausis, for urogynaecology, for ultrasound in gynecology and obstetrics, as well as to pediatricians, particularly for neonatologists, and general practitioners, and other. In the journal we publish original scientific papers, professional papers, reviews, case reports, and news about activity of societies. It is the unique Croatian journal dedicated to the listed content. In the journal appear papers published exclusively in English too. In the journal the authors from other countries are welcome. After double blind criticism, papers are published soon. The journal is published four times per year. Additionally the journal publishes the Book of papers of some national congresses and symposia.
- Peer review: editorial peer review
- First year of publication: 1.
- Frequency (annually): 4
- Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Clinical Medical Sciences, Biomedicine and Healthcare
- Date added to HRČAK: 12.02.2007.
- Rights: Access to all medical professionals. Free downloading of summaries and full text from all volumes. Subcription is not necessary for admittance to portal and downloading. Papers published in this journal are free for personal and educational needs, with respect of author's and publisher's rights.