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Pannoniana : Journal of Humanities

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Pannoniana is a scientific publication published by the Faculty of Education in Osijek. It is published annually and it publishes papers which contribute to findings in humanities, but also interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary papers. Papers should be aimed at former Pannonia space and encourage a dialogue between experts in humanities. Papers can be based on qualitative and quantitative research and can be aimed at different levels of research (individual studies, small and large samples). Only unpublished papers can be submitted.

  • Peer review: peer review, equally national and international peer review, scientific and professional papers, double blind review, double
  • First year of publication: 2016.
  • Frequency (annually): 1
  • Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines), Croatian Studies, Interdisciplinary Fields of Art, Literature, Design, Art of Dance and Art of Movement, Applied Art, Fine Arts, Art of Music, Film Art (Film, Electronic and Media Art of Moving Pictures), Theater Arts (Performing and Media Arts), Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies, Religious Studies (Interdisciplinary Area), Archeology, History of Art, History, Philology, Theology, Philosophy, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
  • Date added to HRČAK: 28.11.2016.
  • Rights: Pannoniana is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, as long as they attribute the source in an appropriate manner. This journal does not levy any publishing or submission charges.