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  • Publication date: 18.07.2017.
  • Published on HRČAK: 21.07.2017.

Table of contents

Full text

The Impact of Tax Changes on Income Inequalities in the EU during the Financial Crisis (page 142-142)

Nika Šimurina, Dajana Barbić
Original scientific paper

Cross-Sector Cooperation in the Field of Food Distribution as a Response to Problems of Poverty and Material Deprivation (page 167-167)

Blaženka Knežević, Ivana Marić, Zoran Šućur
Review article

Kratka prolegomena o »pravu na dom« u Zakonu o stečaju potrošača (page 169-188)

Dejan Bodul, Sanja Grbić
Review article

Objašnjenje regionalne nezaposlenosti u Hrvatskoj: GVAR pristup (page 217-217)

Saša Jakšić
Original scientific paper

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