Skoči na glavni sadržaj

Acta clinica Croatica , Vol. 46 No. 3-Supplement 2, 2007.

  • Datum izdavanja: 01.10.2007.
  • Objavljen na Hrčku: 19.11.2007.


Puni tekst

Sadržaj (str. 0-0)

Contents (str. 3-5)


Uvodnik (str. 0-0)

Foreword (str. 7-8)

Zvonko Kusić

Epidemiology of Thyroid Cancer (str. 11-13)

Sergej Hojker
Izlaganje sa skupa

Molecular Genetics of Thyroid Cancer (str. 13-15)

Krešimir Pavelić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Thyroid Cancer Risk Factors (str. 16-18)

Boris Bonefačić, Aleksandar Smokvina, Tomislav Jukić, Zvonko Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Iodine Intake and Thyroid Cancer (str. 19-21)

Tomislav Jukić, Nina Dabelić, Zvonko Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

TNM Classification and Other Thyroid Cancer Prognostic Systems (str. 27-31)

Ivan Mihaljević, Juraj Smoje, Ivan Karner, Nedeljko Topuzović, Jasna Gardašanić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Prognostic Factors of Papillary and Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma (str. 31-33)

Ante Punda
Izlaganje sa skupa

Novel Approaches and Strategies in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer (str. 33-35)

Aldo Pinchera, Paolo Passannanti, Rossella Elisei
Izlaganje sa skupa

Ultrasonography in Thyroid Cancer (str. 36-39)

Maja Franceschi, Sanja Rončević
Izlaganje sa skupa

Radionuclide Imaging of Thyroid Cancer (str. 39-41)

Darijo Radović
Izlaganje sa skupa

Cytological Diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer (str. 42-44)

Neven Mateša
Izlaganje sa skupa

Molecular Diagnostics Of Thyroid Cancer (str. 47-49)

Ivan Šamija, Josip Lukač, Zvonko Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Surgical Treatment of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (str. 50-52)

Vlado Petric, Krešo Zurak, Davor Džepina
Izlaganje sa skupa

Up To Date Procedures in Thyroid Gland Surgery (str. 52-54)

Drago Prgomet
Izlaganje sa skupa

Postoperative Complications of Thyroid Cancer Surgery (str. 54-56)

Ivo Glunčić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Treatment of Postoperative Hypocalcemia (str. 57-58)

Ivan Karner, Mario Štefanić, Vlado Wagenhofer, Ivan Mihaljević
Izlaganje sa skupa

Radioiodine Ablation of Thyroid Remnant (str. 62-62)

Damir Dodig
Izlaganje sa skupa

Radioiodine Treatment of Metastatic Thyroid Carcinoma (str. 63-65)

Tomislav Jukić, Nina Dabelić, Zvonko Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Ultrasonography in Follow-Up of Thyroid Cancer Patients (str. 66-68)

Hrvojka Tomić-Brzac
Izlaganje sa skupa

Tumor Markers in Thyroid Cancer (str. 69-71)

Ljerka Lukinac
Izlaganje sa skupa

Follow-Up of Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (str. 72-75)

Vinko Marković
Izlaganje sa skupa

Changing Trends in Laboratory Evaluation of Thyroid Cancer Patients (str. 75-78)

Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen
Izlaganje sa skupa

Clinical Characteritics of Medullary, Poorly Differentiated and Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma (str. 80-83)

Juraj Smoje, Ivan Mihaljević, Nedeljko Topuzović, Branislav Krstonošić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Surgical Treatment of Medullary, Poorly Differentiated and Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma (str. 87-88)

Danijel Došen, Renato Janušić, Marija Pastorčić-Grgić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Histopathology of Medullary, Poorly Differentiated and Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma (str. 89-91)

Valdi Pešutić-Pisac
Izlaganje sa skupa

Oncological Treatment of Thyroid Cancer (str. 91-94)

Nina Dabelić, Jasna Radić, Zvonko Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Multimodality Approach in Thyroid Cancer Imaging (str. 94-97)

Dinko Franceschi
Izlaganje sa skupa

Pregnancy and Thyroid Cancer (str. 97-100)

Antonija Balenović, Zvonko Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Integral Psychotherapeutic Approach to Patients with Thyroid Cancer (str. 100-101)

Križo Katinić
Izlaganje sa skupa

The Influence of Radioiodine Dose on Pregnancy Outcome in Patients Treated For Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (str. 105-105)

A. Balenović, M Vlašić, Z Sonicki, D Bodor, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Aggressive Form of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma - A Case Report (str. 106-107)

B Bonefačić, A. Valković-Mika, M Strčić, S Petretić-Majnarić
Izlaganje sa skupa

One-Year Experience with MIVAT (str. 107-107)

M Bura, R Prstačić, H Galle, M Žižić-Mitrečić, I Botica
Izlaganje sa skupa

Identification of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve - Main Points (str. 107-108)

M. Bura
Izlaganje sa skupa

Cytology of Lymphoma in the Thyroid (str. 108-109)

S Ćurić-Jurić, I Maričević, M Šokčević, F Ćurić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Occurence and Epidemiologic Features of Different Histologic Types of Thyroid Cancer in the 1980-2006 Period (str. 109-110)

A. Demlrović, P Radulović, M Vučić, H Čupić, Z Kusić, M Belicza
Izlaganje sa skupa

Surgical Management of Recurrent Thyroid Cancer (str. 110-111)

A. Diklić, V Živaljević, I Paunović, K Krgović, S Tatić, M Havelka, M Kazić, N Kalezić, G Zorić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Some Clinical and Pathological Characteristics of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (str. 111-112)

D Džepina, K Zurak, V Petric, H Čupić
Izlaganje sa skupa

The Prevalence of Thyroid Nodules in Working Population of Zagreb (str. 112-112)

D Đokić, M Prpić, J Staničić, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Ultrasonography of the Neck in Patients Operated for Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma and Value of Thyroglobulin Determination in Node Aspirate (str. 113-113)

M Franceschi, S Rončević, Lj Lukinac, T Halec, V Dermal, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

The Role of 18-FDG-PET in Post-¬treatment Restaging of Recurrent Differentiated/Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (DTC/MTC) (str. 114-114)

J Gardašanić, M Štefanić, I Mihaljević, B Krstonošić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Impact of Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator (uPA) and Its Inhibitor (PAI-1) on Progression-Free Survival in Thyroid Cancer (str. 115-116)

G Horvatić-Herceg, D Herceg, Z Bence-Žigman, H Tornić-Brzac, S Kusačić-Kuna, M Kralik, A. Kulić, D Dodig
Izlaganje sa skupa

Incidence and Mortality of Thyroid Cancer in Croatia from 1968 to 2004 (str. 116-117)

P Jukić, N Dabelić, M Prpić, A. Znaor, Z Sonicki, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma - ¬Clinical Presentation and Prognosis (str. 117-118)

T Jukić, J Staničić, M Franceschi, M Prpić, T Vukić, V Petric, H Čupić, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

No Increase in Childhood Thyroid Cancer in Croatia Due to Chernobyl Accident (str. 118-119)

T Jukić, N Dabelić, M Prpić, D Salopek, A. Znaor, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Ret Protooncogene Mutation in a Patient with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2B (MEN 2B) (str. 120-120)

D Kalalinić, M Vrkljan, V Zjačić-Rotkvić, M Solter
Izlaganje sa skupa

Hyperthyroidism and Thyroid Cancer (str. 121-122)

Z Labar, M Prpić, M Punda, T Jukić, J Staničić, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Thyroid Microcarcinomas (str. 121-121)

K Krgović, V Žlvaljević, I Paunović, A. Diklić, S Tatić, M Kazić, N Kalezić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Color Doppler Imaging, US-FNAB and Thyroid Blood Tests in Evaluation of Thyroid Diseases (str. 123-124)

M Lacić, S Gregurić-Mateša, M Barlšić-Šmalcelj, M lvkić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Calcitonin in Follow•up Of Patients with Medullary Thyroid Cancer (str. 124-124)

Lj Lukinac, D Krilić, D Nölhig-Hus, J Staničić, N Dabelić, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Twenty Five Years of Thyroglobulin Measurement (str. 125-125)

Lj Lukinac, D Nöthig-Hus, D Krilić, M Franceschi, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Follow Up and Survival of Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (str. 126-126)

M Malešević, J Mihailović, Lj Stefanović
Izlaganje sa skupa

Coexistenceof Papillary Carcinoma and Hashimoto Thyroiditis: A Study of Cytologic and Histologic Material (str. 126-127)

D Mateša-Anić, N Mateša, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Increased Incidence of Thyroid Cancer in the Spllt•Dalmatia County: Epidemiological Characteristics (str. 129-129)

R Mulić, K Poljak, D Radović, D Sunara, Z Čolović
Izlaganje sa skupa

Anxiety in Thyroid Cancer Patients (str. 129-130)

J Murgić, M Prpić, K Katinić, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Medullarythyroid Carcinoma - Surgical Treatment (str. 130-131)

I Paunović, A. Diklić, K Krgović, V Živaljević, S Tatić, M Havelka, N Kalezić
Izlaganje sa skupa

RET Mutation, Cyclin D1 and P27 in Papillary Microcarcinoma of the Thyroid (str. 131-132)

V Pešutić-Pisac, A. Punda, A. Pranić-Kragić, P Glunčić
Izlaganje sa skupa

MEN 2B Syndrome in Three Generations of One Family - From Palliation to Prevention (str. 132-133)

M Prpić, N Dabelić, A. Bolanča, Ž Soldić, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Clinical Features of Papillary Thyroid Cancer in Patients with Familial Occurrence of Thyroid Cancer (str. 134-134)

M Prpić, J Staničić, T Jukić, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Risk Factors for Osteoporosis in Female Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Cancer (str. 135-136)

M Punda, A. Balenović, V Gladić-Nenadić, T Jukić, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Increasing Incidence of Thyroid Carcinoma in Croatia - Chernobyl Yes or No? (str. 136-137)

M Radetić, M Kovačić, D Parazajder, Ma Radetić, I Raguž
Izlaganje sa skupa

Insular Carcinoma - A Rare Case of Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (str. 137-137)

V Ramljak, I Ranogajec, I Bobuš-Kelčec, I Novosel, D Došen, R Janušić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Evaluation of Malignancy Risk in Benign Thyroid Nodules after Percutaneous Ethanol (str. 138-138)

IV Sleptsov, NI Timofeeva, RA Chernikov, IK Chinchuk, AA Uspenskaya
Izlaganje sa skupa

Our Experience in the Treatment and Follow•Up of Family Members with MEN IIa Syndrome (str. 139-139)

J Smoje, S Cipar-Garaj, N Topuzović, I Mihaljević, B Krstonošć
Izlaganje sa skupa

Axillary Lymph Node Metastases in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma - A Case Report (str. 140-140)

J Staničić, N Dabelić, T Jukić, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Galectin-3 Expression in Fine Needle Aspirates of Cytologically Indeterminate Lesions of the Thyroid (str. 142-142)

I Šamija, N Mateša, J Lukač, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

CD44v6 as a Marker for Preoperative Diagnosis of Cytologically Indeterminate Lesions of the Thyroid (str. 143-143)

I Šamija, N Mateša, J Lukač, Z Kusić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma with Parathyroid Adenoma (str. 144-145)

I Šurković, I Suljević, B Heljić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Differentiation of Cystic Lesions with Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of the Thyroid Gland (str. 146-147)

A. Valković-Mika, B Bonefačić, S Petretić-Majnarić, M Mudrovčić, A. Smokvina
Izlaganje sa skupa

Cytomorphological Features of Medullary Carcinoma of the Thyroid (str. 147-148)

A. Vasilj, S Kojić-Katović, S Ćurić-June
Izlaganje sa skupa

Undifferentiated (Anaplastic) Thyroid Carcinoma (str. 149-149)

G Zorić, V Živaljević, I Paunović, A. Diklić, K Krgović, N Kalezić, M Kazić, S Tatić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Papillary Microcarcinoma - Pathologic Characteristics and Clinical Presentation (str. 150-150)

K Zurak, D Džepina, V Petrić, H Čupić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Thyroid Cancer Mortality Rate in Belgrade, Serbia, 1993-2002 (str. 150-151)

V Živaljević, S Sipetić, T Grujičić, A. Diklić, I Paunović, K Krgović, G Zorić
Izlaganje sa skupa

Hyperthyroidism and Thyroid Carcinoma (str. 151-151)

J Žmire, I Kardum-Skelin, D Šušterčić, B Čolak, M Šunjić-Stakor, K Martinac
Izlaganje sa skupa

Posjeta: 163.499 *