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Irena Habeš

Puni tekst: hrvatski pdf 327 Kb

str. 883-895

preuzimanja: 473



The re are two types of EU agen cies – re gu la to ry and exe cu ti ve. The Com mu ni cation from the Com mis sion to the Eu ro pean Par lia me nt and the Coun cil da ted Mar ch 11, 2008 sta tes that the ti me has co me to re-laun ch a de ba te on the ro le of agen cies and their pla ce in the in sti tu tio nal lan dsca pe of the Eu ro pean Union. It is con si de red that a con sis te nt and coor di na ted vi sion and uni fo rm han dli ng of the ap proa ch to agen cies wou ld pro mo te sig ni fi ca nt im pro ve men ts in fun ctio ni ng of the Union. A com mon fra mewo rk, ad vo ca ted by the Com mission, shou ld in clu de their tas ks, struc tu re and fun ctio ni ng, ac coun ta bi li ty and re gu la to ry agen cies’ re la tion ship wi th the ot her in sti tu tio ns, bet ter re gu la tion and
fun ctio ni ng of agen cies, the pro ce ss of es tab lis hi ng and en di ng re gu la to ry agencies, and their com mu ni ca tion stra te gy. The Com mis sion pro po ses the ste ps that shou ld lead to a new ag ree me nt on com mon ap proa ch to and fra mewo rk for re gu la to ry agen cies

Ključne riječi

regulatory agencies of the European Union; executive agencies; the European Commission; common framework for regulatory agencies; Euro pean governance and administration

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