Krešimir Galin
APA 6th Edition
Galin, K. (1977). YEARBOOK OF THE INTERNATIONAL FOLK MUSIC COUNCIL, CHARLES HAYWOOD, Editor, Published by the International Folk Music Council with the assistance of International Music Council under the auspices of the UNESCO, vol. 4, 1972, 200 str.; vol. 5, 1973, 237 str. — BRUNO NETTL, Editor, vol. 6, 1974, 175 str.; vol. 7, 1975, 191 str.. Narodna umjetnost, 14 (1), 164-168. Preuzeto s
MLA 8th Edition
Galin, Krešimir. "YEARBOOK OF THE INTERNATIONAL FOLK MUSIC COUNCIL, CHARLES HAYWOOD, Editor, Published by the International Folk Music Council with the assistance of International Music Council under the auspices of the UNESCO, vol. 4, 1972, 200 str.; vol. 5, 1973, 237 str. — BRUNO NETTL, Editor, vol. 6, 1974, 175 str.; vol. 7, 1975, 191 str.." Narodna umjetnost, vol. 14, br. 1, 1977, str. 164-168. Citirano 03.01.2025.
Chicago 17th Edition
Galin, Krešimir. "YEARBOOK OF THE INTERNATIONAL FOLK MUSIC COUNCIL, CHARLES HAYWOOD, Editor, Published by the International Folk Music Council with the assistance of International Music Council under the auspices of the UNESCO, vol. 4, 1972, 200 str.; vol. 5, 1973, 237 str. — BRUNO NETTL, Editor, vol. 6, 1974, 175 str.; vol. 7, 1975, 191 str.." Narodna umjetnost 14, br. 1 (1977): 164-168.
Galin, K. (1977). 'YEARBOOK OF THE INTERNATIONAL FOLK MUSIC COUNCIL, CHARLES HAYWOOD, Editor, Published by the International Folk Music Council with the assistance of International Music Council under the auspices of the UNESCO, vol. 4, 1972, 200 str.; vol. 5, 1973, 237 str. — BRUNO NETTL, Editor, vol. 6, 1974, 175 str.; vol. 7, 1975, 191 str.', Narodna umjetnost, 14(1), str. 164-168. Preuzeto s: (Datum pristupa: 03.01.2025.)
Galin K. YEARBOOK OF THE INTERNATIONAL FOLK MUSIC COUNCIL, CHARLES HAYWOOD, Editor, Published by the International Folk Music Council with the assistance of International Music Council under the auspices of the UNESCO, vol. 4, 1972, 200 str.; vol. 5, 1973, 237 str. — BRUNO NETTL, Editor, vol. 6, 1974, 175 str.; vol. 7, 1975, 191 str.. Narodna umjetnost [Internet]. 1977 [pristupljeno 03.01.2025.];14(1):164-168. Dostupno na:
K. Galin, "YEARBOOK OF THE INTERNATIONAL FOLK MUSIC COUNCIL, CHARLES HAYWOOD, Editor, Published by the International Folk Music Council with the assistance of International Music Council under the auspices of the UNESCO, vol. 4, 1972, 200 str.; vol. 5, 1973, 237 str. — BRUNO NETTL, Editor, vol. 6, 1974, 175 str.; vol. 7, 1975, 191 str.", Narodna umjetnost, vol.14, br. 1, str. 164-168, 1977. [Online]. Dostupno na: [Citirano: 03.01.2025.]
Kako se ovim prikazom obuhvaćaju četiri knjige »Godišnjaka Međunarodnog savjeta za folklornu glazbu« (svesci br. 4, 5, 6 i 7, tj. godišta 1972, 1973, 1974. i 1975) prikaz će formalno biti razdijeljen u četiri manje cjeline vezane uz svaku knjigu.