About the Journal

About Journal

ISSN 0570-9008 (print)

ISSN 1848-3143 (online)

UDK: 930.25(497.5)



Croatian State Archives (Hrvatski državni arhiv)

Marulićev trg 21, 10000 Zagreb


Arhivski vjesnik (Bulletin d’archives/Archival Herald) is a periodical publication of the Croatian State Archives which has been published since 1899. The journal publishes works from the field of archival theory and practice, auxiliary sciences of history, history of institutions and information science. Arhivski vjesnik is published once a year.

The journal publishes unpublished, categorised scientific and professional papers, with the exception of research results published in the form of summary and previously exhibited at a scientific conference (which must be highlighted in a footnote). Categorised papers are published in Croatian or English language. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the first selection of papers, and after that they are subjected to the strict double-blinded reviewing procedure, which involves reviewers from Croatia and abroad.

Additionally, uncategorised articles (in Croatian) are also published, such as translations of scientific or professional papers published in another journals, reviews of other publications, reports from conferences on archival science and related fields, as well as other types of appropriate texts.

Authors are not charged by the journal for the cost of reviewing and publishing papers, as well as other costs regarding securing online visibility of the published paper. An author of a categorized paper is referred with one free copy of the journal.

Since 2005 Arhivski vjesnik is listed on the A1 list of periodicals whose quality is equivalent with journals with an internationally recognised reviewing process. The journal is published with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Media and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.

It is indexed in: Academic Search Ultimate; Library and Information Science Technology Abstracts (LISTA); Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA); Library & Information Science product Family; Computer and Information Systems Abstracts; European Research Index for Humanities (ERIH).

Journal Arhivski vjesnik enables open access to published papers (Open Access) via Portal of Croatian Scientific and Professional Journals (Hrčak), and journal's OJS web site, and published papers can be used in accordance with the Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC 4.0 available on: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0. Users are allowed to read, upload, copy, distribute, print out, search, and share links to the full text of the articles or use them in any other legal way, within  non-commercial purposes, and with appropriate credit, without requesting explicit permission from the author or publisher. The papers published in Arhivski vjesnik can be deposited and self-archived in the institutional and thematic repositories providing the link to the journal's web pages and HRČAK. Journal's open access policy is indexed in SHERPA/RoMEO database.

Submitting manuscripts

The call for papers is open whole year. The call for papers is open whole year, and manuscripts should be submitted via the web address: https://hrcak.srce.hr/ojs/index.php/arhivski_vjesnik/index.  For any additional information authors may contact the Editor-in-Chief at the address arhivskivjesnik@arhiv.hr. The recommended length of scientific and professional papers (including footnotes, and sources) should not be longer than 57 600 keystrokes, including spaces (written in Times New Roman CE font, font size 12, line spacing 1 (Single), footnotes in font size 10, line spacing 1).

The main text of the paper must be arranged in numbered chapters and subchapters up to three levels at the most: 1.; 1.1.; 1.1.1. Chapters and subchapters must have titles. First chapter must be titled as Introduction and the final one as Conclusion. Their content must be in accordance with methodology of scientific work.

Abstracts and key words (5-8) in English and Croatian form the integral part of the paper, containing information crucial for the understanding of the topic and author’s contribution. Abstracts should have up to 3500 keystrokes, including spaces.  The Editorial Board will insure the translation of the abstract to English, if needed.

Graphical appendices (tables and photographs) are published in colour, black and white or in greyscale (depending on the quality of pictures and character of work), numbered consecutively in order of appearance and include a title. Tables are sent as part of the manuscript. Photographs are sent in separate files (in original uncompressed TIF format, but a JPG format of high quality is also accepted) with the indication of their position within the text.

Due to a double blind review the authors must remove from the text (and footnotes) all the information that can reveal their identity.

All manuscripts sent in the English language by authors who are not native speakers require obligatory proofreading and editing.

Recommended scope of reviews and reports is 7 200 to 14 400 keystrokes, including spaces (written in the same font, font size and spacing like categorised i.e. reviewed papers).


Reviewing  process

The journal publishes papers in the following categories: original scientific paper; preliminary communication; review article; professional paper.

The Editor-in-Chief may reject a scientific or professional paper without external review if the topic of the article lies beyond the focus of the journal, if the article is of poor quality, if it does not comply with technical guidelines for sending articles (from these instructions) or if the author does not respect ethic norms.

The editorial board strives to prevent a violation of scientific research integrity. All submitted article manuscripts are checked using iThenticate Crossref Similarity Check.

Scientific and professional papers are categorised through a double blind reviewing process i.e. the received paper is sent for reviewing to at least two reviewers from the field dealt with in the paper, in which process the author is not aware of the identity of reviewers and vice versa. Authors may ask for some individuals to be excluded from reviewing.

The Editor-in Chief and Editorial Board will aim to finish the reviewing process as soon as possible (maximum of two months). When the reviewing process is finished authors of the articles accepted for publishing are obliged to revise their papers according to instructions given by the Editor-in-Chief and to adopt suggestions contributing to improvement of article’s quality given by reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief/ Editorial Board/ can ask authors to adjust their texts in accordance with the neutral language norm of the academic and scientific style.

Publishing Ethics

Arhivski vjesnik advocates the promotion of the highest ethical publishing procedures and maintenance of the integrity of scientific work, with responsibilities of authors, reviewers and Editor-in-Chief.

  1. Responsibilities of authors

The authors are responsible for the originality and authorship of their manuscript and need to behave in line with the ethical principles and rules of scientific integrity for authors of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE).

If they use other knowledge or their own previously published knowledge, it should be properly referred and cited. Authors are required to obtain permission to print pictures, documents and other materials from the copyright holders and should list the organizations, scientific projects or institutions that have supported research, which are published in the article.

In case of suspicion of unethical scientific procedure (plagiarism, self-plagiarism, data manipulation, redundant manuscripts, donated/unmerited authorship, etc.), the Editorial Board will act in accordance with the ethical guidelines of the international association Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

When submitting a manuscript authors must provide the order of authors’ names. Any change in order, deletion or rearrangement of authors’ names can be made before the manuscript has been accepted, with written confirmation (e-mail, letter) from all authors according to Guidelines for authors of the European Association of Scientific Editors (EASE).

 Only in exceptional circumstances will the Editorial Board consider the addition, deletion or rearrangement of authors after the manuscript has been accepted. Apart from names, authors should provide the title of the institution of their employment during their research and their e-mail address, so that they can be contacted.

  1. Responsibilities of reviewers

Reviewers must protect the integrity of authors and manuscripts and handle the manuscripts as confidential. Reviewers should consider the received manuscript in a highly responsible, constructive and objective way and warn the editor if they are not sufficiently qualified for the topic of work. Reviewers are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest regarding the manuscript that they review, and in case of conflicts of interest are excluded from the review process.

  1. Responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief

The Editor-in-Chief communicates with authors, reviewers and other members of the Editorial Board in accordance with Guidelines of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The Editor-in-Chief can reject the scientific or professional paper if author does not comply with the ethical Guidelines. In accordance with recommendations of the International Committee on Publication Ethics the editor conveys reviewers’ instructions to authors, monitors their implementation, and carries out and supervises other procedures specified by the guidelines (redundancy, plagiarism, false data, changes or problems of authorship, conflict of interest).

The Editor-in-Chief exempts members of the Editorial Board from the editorial process if they have conflict of interest (collaboration or other form of relationship with author, authorship, participation in review procedure).