Foundation of the School of Nursing in Zagreb 1921–1922


  • Darija Hofgräff


The School of Nursing, first generation of graduated students, dr. Vladimir Ćepulić, Jelka Labaš, Blanda Stipetić, Klarisa Radovanović, healthcare and social institutions, social diseases, archival fonds of the Croatian State Archives and State Archives in Zagreb


In this paper we present the history of the School of Nursing from the period of its foundation in 1921 to graduation of the first generation of students in 1922. In the available literature information on the School’s foundation and activities has been erroneous or incomplete, which is partly due to disregard for the archival records. Because of this, the basic aim of this paper is the correction of fundamental historiographic data without which it is impossible to take an exact approach to the topic. The data are reconstructed based on the archival fonds and collections of the Croatian State Archives and State Archives in Zagreb, as well as on documents in the archives of the School of Nursing Mlinarska and the Society of Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent of Paul. Furthermore, official publications (“Narodne Novine” and “Službeni list”) and current literature about the School’s history are used. Based on this research we attempt to ascertain the foundation date of the School, beginning and duration of the classes for the first student generation 1921/1922, number of enrolled students, drop-out rate and number of graduated students. Also, we present the basic legal acts related to the constitution of this institution.





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