About the Journal

Communication Management Review is an open access international academic journal which is published by the Edward Bernays University of Applied Sciences. Notable foreign and Croatian academics with a focus on communication management participate in the activities of this journal, which is issued twice annually and publishes peer reviewed academic and professional papers in the field of public relations, marketing, political science, communication science, management and related disciplines. The interdisciplinary character of the journal enables a holistic approach to communication management, which is, due to dynamic occurrences and processes, directly and indirectly linked to other disciplines and their research topics. An added value of the journal is its endeavour to connect science and practice, whose approaches are different, but whose cooperation is essential in order to understand the new trends and dynamic processes of the contemporary world. Our aim is to become an academic platform for innovative, attractive and inspiring  studies and academic research. Authors are invited to submit their articles through the open journal system available here. CMR will consider all submissions that cover the areas covered by the journal, and which are prepared according to the submission guidlines and adhere to the journal’s code of ethics (e.g. not considering multiple submissions, redundant publications).

In accordance with the law and academic rules, readers have the right to read, view, copy, save, forward and use the contents of the journal for other purposes without the prior consent of the publisher, editors or authors. Authors of articles published in Communication Management Review retain their copyright. These rights are in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. The journal Communication Management Review is used under the terms of the Creative Commons license.

Advertising policy: Journal does not apply advertising and direct marketing activities.

Archiving policiy – long-term preservation service: National and Univeristy Library in Zagreb, Croatia; commreview.hrhrcak.srce.hr/commreview

Repository policy: DOI