Tourism in the Digital Age: E-booking Perspective


  • Olivera Simović University of Montenegro, Montenegro
  • Žarko Rađenović University of Niš, Republic of Serbia, Serbia
  • Djurdjica Perović University of Montenegro, Montenegro
  • Vesna Vujačić University of Montenegro, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Montenegro

Klíčová slova:

tourism, digitization, e-booking, online booking systems, hospitality information systems


Digitization in the tourism sector beside hospitality information systems application as its integral part has also led to the application of on-line booking systems, which enable the booking of the desired tourist arrangement via the Internet. Consequently, the emergence of the e-booking concept has made it possible reducing administrative and operational costs, since the e-booking system is also used on smartphones with appropriate applicative support. This paper aims to point out the importance of e-booking in the digital age of tourism, especially from monitoring the most common destinations, customer preferences and performing predictive analytics by collecting large amounts of data. In this way, the implementation of big data and cloud computing concept enhances tourism services, since it is possible to analyse destination history and tourist potential of the client via the Internet.

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Jak citovat

Simović, O., Rađenović, Žarko, Perović, D., & Vujačić, V. (2020). Tourism in the Digital Age: E-booking Perspective. ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion, 6(1), 616–627. Získáno z



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