Crowdfunding of Entrepreneurial Projects in Sport


  • Ivan Novak Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • Blaženka Knežević Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • Petra Škrobot Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Klíčová slova:

crowdfunding, e-business, self-financing, entrepreneurship, sport management, sport


Crowdfunding, as a specific e-business activity, changes the way in which entrepreneurs collect money for financing their business projects in various business activities starting from social entrepreneurship and software development towards entertainment industry. No business activity is an exception to this trend. Due to its potential to influence and change traditional financial flows and to change traditional principles of financial intermediations, crowdfunding has drawn attention of scientists and practitioners who are trying to explain what could be consequences, risks, development phases and future trends in this field. In this paper, we give a theoretical insight into definitions, development and types of crowdfunding activity in general in the context of entrepreneurial self-financing. Then, on the basis of the case study analysis method, we outline several good practices of self-financing sports projects in developed markets in for each type of crowdfunding.

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Jak citovat

Novak, I., Knežević, B., & Škrobot, P. (2017). Crowdfunding of Entrepreneurial Projects in Sport. ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion, 3(1), 169–176. Získáno z



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