A Closer Look at the Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Latvia: Opportunities for Building Performance


  • Kristine Casno University of Latvia, Latvia
  • Biruta Sloka University of Latvia, Latvia



Klíčová slova:

social entrepreneurship, ecosystem, performance, social enterprise, society


Social entrepreneurship in Latvia is steadily attracting the attention of policymakers, researchers, and the wider public. The expectations are high, but so is the need to strategically continue developing the field. One road towards strengthening the performance and overall social impact is critically evaluating the effectiveness of the social entrepreneurship ecosystem. Nascent research has been scarce and dominated by qualitative studies. Therefore, based on quantitative survey analysis, this study aims to contribute to the extant knowledge by offering valuable insights into the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Latvia, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses and the relationships closely associated with enhanced social enterprise performance. Research results indicate significant potential for developing cooperation with different public sector organisations and confirm the critical role of incubators/accelerators, finance providers, support organisations and social enterprise community in furthering the sector's overall performance.

Biografie autora

Kristine Casno, University of Latvia, Latvia

Kristine Casno is a 3rd year doctoral student and research assistant at the University of Latvia. The topic of her doctoral thesis concerns opportunities for promoting the performance and social impact of the Latvian social entrepreneurship field. Her research interests include social enterprises, digital marketing, and social impact. The author can be contacted at Kristine.Casno@lu.lv

Biruta Sloka, University of Latvia, Latvia

Biruta Sloka, a professor and senior researcher at the University of Latvia, has experience working with doctoral students on joint topics in social entrepreneurship. Her research interests include social enterprises, digital marketing, and social impact. The author can be contacted at Biruta.Sloka@lu.lv.




Jak citovat

Casno, K. ., & Sloka, B. . (2024). A Closer Look at the Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Latvia: Opportunities for Building Performance. ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion, 9(1), 187–201. https://doi.org/10.54820/entrenova-2023-0018



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