Revolutionizing Cargo Transport: The Impact of Innovative Technologies


  • Amel Kosovac University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Traffic and Communication, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Adisa Medić University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Traffic and Communication, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Irfan Ćorić Bosnia and Herzegovina Air Navigation Services Agency, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Sabina Hadrović Tuzla International Airport, Bosnia and Herzegovina



innovative technologies, cargo, logistics, air traffic


For many years, cargo traffic was marred by inefficiency, slow work systems, extensive paperwork and inaccuracies in the supply chain and transportation to the final destination. Processes within the chain itself entailed slow work, which resulted in large deviations in terms of transport and delivery time to the end user. To overcome these shortcomings and improve cargo traffic, the focus of the work will be on the application of innovative technologies in cargo traffic, the analysis of the application and the advantages it provides. A special aspect of the work is the analysis of cargo traffic in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the application of innovative technologies in its area.

Author Biographies

Amel Kosovac, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Traffic and Communication, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Amel Kosovac is a university professor at the Faculty of Traffic and Communications of the University of Sarajevo, where he graduated. He is an associate professor in the scientific field of Postal - logistics technologies and the subjects: "Customer relationship management" and "HITech marketing". He is the author of many books and scientific works. He participated in the work of several domestic and international conferences, as well as in the implementation of several scientific research projects and studies. He is the Dean of the Faculty of Traffic and Communications of the University of Sarajevo. The author can be contacted at

Adisa Medić, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Traffic and Communication, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Adisa Medić graduated from the Faculty of Traffic and Communication of the University of Sarajevo in 2012. The master’s degree in Traffic and Communication was completed in 2014 and received a special award from the University of Sarajevo, "Silver Badge", for the first and second cycles of study. She is currently employed as an assistant at the Faculty of Traffic and Communications Sarajevo, and she is a student in the third cycle of study - doctoral study. She is the author of 8 scientific works. The author can be contacted at

Irfan Ćorić, Bosnia and Herzegovina Air Navigation Services Agency, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Irfan Ćorić is an IT engineer master's student at the Faculty of Traffic and Communications in Sarajevo, department of air traffic. Employed in the Bosnia and Herzegovina Air Navigation Services Agency (BHANSA), Department for Aeronautical Information Services. The author can be contacted at

Sabina Hadrović, Tuzla International Airport, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sabina Hadrović graduated from the Faculty of Traffic and Communication of the University of Sarajevo in 2017. She has been the Safety manager at Tuzla International Airport, Bosnia and Herzegovina, since 2018 and a master's student at the Faculty of Traffic and Communications in Sarajevo, department of air traffic. The author can be contacted at




How to Cite

Kosovac, A. ., Medić, A. ., Ćorić, I. ., & Hadrović, S. (2024). Revolutionizing Cargo Transport: The Impact of Innovative Technologies. ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion, 9(1), 213–221.



Industrial Organization