ML Techniques Integration in Digital Learning Platforms: Students’ Dataset Statistical Analysis


  • Lediana Shala Riza South East European University
  • Lejla Abazi Bexheti South East European University, North Macedonia


Ključne riječi:

ML techniques, digital platforms, engagement, attributes, analysis, statistics


With the use of technology-enhanced learning platforms and an abundance of available educational data, it is possible to analyze student learning behavior and solve problems, improve the learning environment, and make data-driven decisions. A virtual learning environment effectively provide datasets for analyzing and reporting student learning, as well as its reflection and participation in their individual performances, which complements the learning analytics paradigm. This work is intended to explain the use of AI-based approaches in online learning, with a particular focus in offering a statistical approach on students VLE dataset. The study uses quantitative methodology to highlight the association between the variables in the obtained dataset. The purpose of this research is to examine the correlation and dependency of the dataset variables in order to observe the relationship between these variables and the effect that these attributes may have on students' performance in a digital learning environment. According to the findings of this study, there is a correlation between student performance and a number of different factors, such as resource (page) views, course modules, assessment type, assessment weight and sum of clicks in a VLE.

Biografije autora

Lediana Shala Riza, South East European University

Lediana Shala Riza is a PhD candidate at Faculty of Contemporary Sciences and Technologies, South-East European University, North Macedonia. She received her B.S. degree in Computer Engineering from University of Prishtina in 2018 and the M.S. degree in Subject Teaching with Specialization in Technology & ICT from University of Prishtina in 2021.  Online assessment, e-teaching & e-learning, and educational technology are among her research interests. She has written or co-written papers on ICT and education at international conferences and journals. The author can be contacted at

Lejla Abazi Bexheti, South East European University, North Macedonia

Lejla Abazi Bexheti is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Contemporary Sciences and Technologies at South East European University in Macedonia. She holds a PhD in Computer Science and has been part of the CST teaching staff since 2002. Her main research activity is in Learning Systems and eLearning, and she has been involved in many international projects and research activities in this area. At SEE University, she was involved in resolving the Learning Management System issue. Currently, she is Prorector for academic issues at SEEU. The author can be contacted at




Kako citirati

Shala Riza, L., & Abazi Bexheti, L. (2025). ML Techniques Integration in Digital Learning Platforms: Students’ Dataset Statistical Analysis. ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion, 10(1), 22–32.

Broj časopisa


Mathematical and Quantitative Methods