A Corporate Sustainable Responsibility Management Tool that Supports the Sustainable Development Goals


  • Nora Rodek University of Pannonia, Hungary
  • Zoltán Birkner University of Pannonia, Hungary
  • Tivadar Máhr University of Pannonia, Hungary
  • Tamás Rentz University of Szeged, Hungary

Ključne riječi:

corporate sustainable responsibility, sustainable development, sustainable development goals, CSR EMAT


Nowadays, not only large companies are addressing the issue of sustainability, but the importance of the topic has also been widespread in politics, media and society. Attention is focused on climate change and thus on environmental issues, although sustainable development covers a wider topic area. As reflected in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, it encompasses global issues, with priorities changing across countries and cultures. Each business, institution and municipality should support these goals to the best of its ability, following local characteristics and needs. Sustainable development deals with the causes and causes effects and the economic results derived from them in the context of global objectives, while the corporate sustainable responsibility (CSR) approach responds to the problems arising in the local space and the micro-environment of enterprises by involving their stakeholders. Small and medium-sized enterprises have a particularly important role to play in promoting CSR as they are connected with local communities, being aware of local characteristics and problems, and serving as an example and motivator to their stakeholders for responsible and sustainable operations, active social engagement and value creation. The purpose of this study is to show how our management tool (CSR EMAT) supports the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals.

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Kako citirati

Rodek, N., Birkner, Z., Máhr, T., & Rentz, T. (2020). A Corporate Sustainable Responsibility Management Tool that Supports the Sustainable Development Goals. ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion, 6(1), 377–387. Preuzeto od https://hrcak.srce.hr/ojs/index.php/entrenova/article/view/13490

Broj časopisa


Business Administration & Business Economics, Marketing, Accounting