Cybersecurity and Cyber Defense Insights: The Complementary Conceptual model of Cyber resilience


  • Darko Možnik Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia
  • Damir Delija Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia
  • Domagoj Tulčić Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia
  • Darko Galinec Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia


Ključne riječi:

attribution, cyber defense, cyber resilience, cyber security, conceptual model


Cybersecurity planning within a complex system and applying its principles aims to achieve system resilience in cyberspace. The purpose of a complex system is to carry out a mission as a set of abilities and preferences concerning the internal and external circumstances of the system. Achieving cyber resistance requires organizational, human, material, and financial resources to implement measures, activities, and procedures to reduce residual (remaining) security risk. This part of the security risk must be accepted within the system since it is impossible to achieve its further reduction. The research in this paper analyzes ways and means to achieve cyber resistance in the conditions of today's growing security risks. This research aims to create a new model of cyber resistance, which includes cyber and information security. This also considers that the methods of separating previously unseen threats and attacks of the past day are unknown today in a large number of business cases. To confront the challenges, there is a need to create "knowledge about ignorance" and the development of cyber capabilities based on the principles of cyber security and defense.

Biografije autora

Darko Možnik, Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia

Darko Možnik, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Department of Informatics and Computing. He received PhD in Information Systems at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. He received Assistant Professor at the Zagreb University. He works in information security, cyber security and cyber resilience. Darko Možnik published several scientific and professional papers in international and national journals and participated in many scientific international conferences. The author can be contacted at

Damir Delija, Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia

Damir Delija, PhD, is a senior lecturer at TVZ in digital forensics and cybersecurity. While working in INsig2, he specialized in Guidance Software Encase Enterprise, UNIX, and network forensics. Damir is an EnCase trainer with extensive knowledge of the entire life cycle of Guidance forensics products. He has EnCe and UFED certifications, as requested for the digital forensic trainer, and certifications in Cybersecurity, eDiscovery and EnScript. He has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. He was an AIX system trainer and dealt with ship automatization systems, AIX and UNIX systems administration, and network administration. The author can be contacted at

Domagoj Tulčić, Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia

Domagoj Tuličić graduated in Zagreb and founded an IT company. In 2007, he completed his professional studies in Computer Science, majoring in programming at the University of Split. He was employed at the State Administration for Protection and Rescue and completed a university graduate study in Databases and Knowledge Bases in Varaždin. He worked at TVZ as a teacher in Information Security and Digital Forensics. Since 2022, he has been employed at the University of Information Technology as the head of the Department of Computer Systems and Networks and an information security commissioner. The author can be contacted at

Darko Galinec, Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia

Darko Galinec, PhD, is an assistant professor at the Military Study Programmes, University of Zagreb, Croatia. His education includes a BSc in Economic Cybernetics, an MSc Program in Information Engineering, and a PhD in Information and Communications Science at the University of Zagreb. Darko has been in the positions of Programmer, Data processing organizer, Information Systems Designer, Senior Informatics Advisor, Information Systems Design Department Head, and Information and Communications Technology Sector Deputy Head. Current research focus is Cyber Defense, Security and Resilience. The author can be contacted at




Kako citirati

Možnik, D., Delija, D., Tulčić, D., & Galinec, D. (2024). Cybersecurity and Cyber Defense Insights: The Complementary Conceptual model of Cyber resilience. ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion, 9(1), 1–12.

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