Hybrid Neural Network Training on Diverse Hardware


  • Fabian Arun Panaite University of Petrosani
  • Monica Leba University of Petrosani



Ključne riječi:

Neural Networks, CPU, GPU, SSD, RAM, memory sprites


This study presents a comprehensive comparison of neural network training hardware structures, focusing on the performance of CPU and GPU processors under varying data storage conditions (SSD drive and RAM disk). Initially, the training efficiency and speed of neural networks are analysed using a CPU processor, with data stored first on an SSD drive and subsequently in a RAM disk to evaluate the impact of data retrieval speeds on training times and accuracy. The analysis is then extended to GPU processors, renowned for their superior parallel processing capabilities, under identical data storage conditions to discern the benefits and limitations of each hardware setup in neural network training scenarios. Additionally, a novel hybrid architecture is proposed, combining either CPU or GPU processors with the concept of memory sprites—a technique borrowed from the age of video game development for optimizing graphics on less capable hardware. This approach aims to leverage the advantages of both processing units while mitigating their weaknesses, offering a potentially superior solution for training complex neural networks efficiently on diverse hardware platforms.

Biografije autora

Fabian Arun Panaite, University of Petrosani

Fabian Arun Panaite, Ph.D. student Eng. and assistant at University of Petrosani, Romania with a thesis that approaches methods for human posture recognition. He graduated System Control Engineering specialization both bachelor and master at the University of Petrosani, Romania. His main research interests are operating systems and multimedia systems. The author can be contacted at e-mail: fabianpanaite@upet.ro

Monica Leba, University of Petrosani

Prof. Monica Leba is a Ph.D. supervisor in field of System Control Engineering in Computer and System Control Engineering Department at University of Petrosani, Romania. She has a PhD in System Control Engineering from University of Petrosani, a bachelor’s degree in applied informatics and Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering from University of Petrosani. She is a member of IEEE and IFAC, Computers for Control Technical Committee. Her research interests are in applied informatics, modelling-simulation, algorithms design. She has more than 100 refereed research articles in international journals, conferences and international patents prizes. The author can be contacted at e-mail: monicaleba@upet.ro




Kako citirati

Panaite, F. A., & Leba, M. (2024). Hybrid Neural Network Training on Diverse Hardware. ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion, 10(1), 280–288. https://doi.org/10.54820/entrenova-2024-0023

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