Service Process Excellence in Public Services


  • László Buics Széchenyi István University, Hungary
  • Edit Süle Széchenyi István University, Hungary


business process modelling, key performance indicators, public service processes, unified services theory, one-stop shops


The goal of this paper is to create a comprehensive picture of the service process structure of a typical Hungarian Government Window, which functions as a one-stop shop service centre for administrative public services. The research is focusing on process management details regarding service quality, and excellence in public services. Performance indicators are identified through a literature review based on the similarities and differences of private and public services. We are using collected data from a Government Window to visualize front office operations with Business Process Modelling and we analyse the time-related data by using performance metrics identified in service quality literature. Our research provides useful insights into the Hungarian public service centre operations that can be useful as a basis of comparison with other countries’ similar service systems.

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How to Cite

Buics, L., & Süle , E. (2020). Service Process Excellence in Public Services. ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion, 6(1), 173–186. Retrieved from



Public Economics