What Influences Young Adult Females When Choosing an Online Apparel Retailer: An Exploratory Analysis


  • Ana Budimir University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia
  • Blaženka Knežević University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia



Ključne reči:

omnichannel, retailer, UTAUT2, apparel industry, fashion retail, online shopping


Technology is an integral part of everyday life, and its utilisation significantly influences how buyers behave when making decisions on their purchases, no matter the type of goods purchased. Therefore, it is necessary to observe how various generations of shoppers, based on technological solutions, change their shopping behaviour for different groups of products. This paper is focused on the online aspect of non-luxurious apparel shopping. Two groups of online retailers are researched: pure-play e-retailers and omnichannel retailers. The study adopted an exploratory approach, and the data were collected using semi-structured interviews among young females. In this study, we addressed and answered three research questions. The first question focused on the choice of type of online retailer - e-retailer or omnichannel. The second question was oriented to constructs of the UTAUT2 model and their relevance among young females regarding apparel shopping. The third question highlights the perspective of sustainability and environmental concerns when buying apparel online.

Biografije autora


Ana Budimir, MA, is a PhD Candidate in the PhD study programme Economics and Business Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb. She has rich experience in the retail industry and an in-depth understanding of the entire process. Currently, she works in the postal and delivery sector as a financial controller responsible for external and internal reporting. The author can be contacted at abudimir5@gmail.com


Blaženka Knežević, PhD, is a Full professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia. She teaches courses: Retail information systems, Economics of electronic commerce, Trade and trade policy, Procurement Management, and Supplier relationship management. She has participated in various scientific research projects and published over 100 papers in conference proceedings, books, and academic journals. She is a member of the editorial board of the Business Excellence Journal (BEJ) and Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review (EBER) advisory board. She is a regular reviewer at several international scientific journals. The author can be contacted at bknezevic@efzg.hr


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