Innovations in Business Process Digitalisation in the Forest-Wood Sector In Slovenia



Ključne reči:

digitalisation, forest-wood sector, innovation, survey


Digital technology can help businesses automate and streamline various processes to optimise resource use, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. This paper aims to study digitalisation in Slovenia’s forest-wood sector, which is essential to the country’s smart specialisation strategy. Based on a survey we conducted among 294 enterprises in this sector, we study a subsample of innovators that were asked if they introduced or are planning to introduce innovations in business process digitalisation such as collaboration with IT or data experts, implementation of sensor technologies, digital modelling and simulation, collaborative platforms, and other technologies that can help the sector to improve manufacturing and production processes, logistics and sales. The results show that adopting digital technologies is correlated with enterprise strategy, investments in R&D, collaboration with universities and research institutes, the share of employees with a tertiary degree and in RDI positions, and enterprise size.

Biografije autora


Ana Slavec is a consulting statistician and researcher at the InnoRenew CoE Renewable Materials and Healthy Environments Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence. She obtained a PhD in Statistics from the University of Ljubljana. Her current research interest is survey methods and their use in sustainability research. She has been involved in several domestic and international projects, co-authored scientific publications and presented her work at various conferences. The author can be contacted at


Michael Burnard is the deputy director of the InnoRenew CoE and an Assistant professor at the University of Primorska. He is also a professor of Practice at the University of Helsinki. His research interests are sustainable construction using renewable materials and human health in the built environment. The author can be contacted at




Broj časopisa


Business Administration & Business Economics, Marketing, Accounting