About the Journal
Geodetski list: the Journal of the Croatian Geodetic Society
(ISSN 0016-710X/1849-0611, UDK: 528, CODEN: GDLIAW)
is an Open Access Journal that publishes research and professional articles in all areas in the fields of geodesy and geoinformatics and significant insights from other areas that are important for the development and improvement of geodesy and geoinformatics.
The topic covered includes: (but are not limited to) all fields of geodesy and geoinformatics:
- Professional standards, practice and education
- Spatial information management
- Hydrography
- Positioning and measurement
- Engineering surveys
- Cadastre and land management
- Spatial planning and development
- Valuation and the management of the real estate
- Construction economics and management.
Journal also publishes information related to professional events in our country and in the world, data from the past of geodesy, and the activities of the Croatian Geodetic Society.
The Journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal and an important and reliable source of state-of-the-art developments in geodesy and geoinformatics.
Articles published in the Journal are Open-Access articles distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license and free to access immediately upon publication, without subscription barriers to access.
There are no publication fees nor article processing charges (APC) for publishing in this Journal.
The Journal is indexed in:
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science Core Collection) - from No. 1/2005
- Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science) - from No. 1/2007 - No. 1/2011
- DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
- Bibliographia Cartographica
- Internationale Dokumentation des kartographischen Schrifiums, K.G. Saur Mnchen, New Providence, London, Paris
- Bibliography of Publications in the Field of Geodetic Computations, Geodesy Bulletin, Cracow
- Referativnyj žurnal 52. Geodezija i aeros'emka, VINITI, Moskva
- Referativnyj žurnal 07. Geografija, 07M Kartografija, VINITI, Moskva
- Obersicht Ober die Literatur im Vermessungswesen, Zeitschrift fór Vermessungswesen, Stuttgart
- Journal of Geodesy (Continuation of Bulletin Geodesique and manuscripta geodaetica), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Papers are published in Croatian or English. The Journal publishes four issues per year.
The publisher of the Journal is the Croatian Geodetic Society. The Journal is supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education.