
Which journals on this site would you like to register with?
  • Acta clinica Croatica
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  • Acta medico-historica Adriatica : AMHA
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  • Acta stomatologica Croatica
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  • Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering
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  • Annals of the Croatian Political Science Association: political science journal
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  • Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji
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  • Arhivski vjesnik
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  • Bogoslovska smotra
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  • Bulletin of the Croatian Society for Medical Informatics
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  • Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology
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  • Business Logistics in Modern Management
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  • Business Systems Research : International journal of the Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy
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  • Cartography and Geoinformation (Kartografija i geoinformacije)
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  • Child and Family in Contemporary Society
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  • Collected Papers of the Law Faculty of the University of Rijeka
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  • Communication Management Review
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  • Croatian Operational Research Review
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  • Croatian Political Science Review
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  • Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics
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  • Croatian Sociological Review
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  • Disputatio philosophica: International Journal on Philosophy and Religion
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  • E4E - Education for Entrepreneurship
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  • ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion
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  • EU and comparative law issues and challenges series (ECLIC)
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  • Economic research - Ekonomska istraživanja
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  • Ekonomski vjesnik/Econviews - Review of Contemporary Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues
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  • Etnološka tribina
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  • European Journal of Analytic Philosophy
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  • FLUMINENSIA : Journal for philological research
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  • Geodetski list: the Journal of Croatian Geodetic Society
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  • G e o f i z i k a
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  • Historical Journal
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  • Infektološki glasnik
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  • Jahr – European Journal of Bioethics
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  • Journal of Bioanthropology
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  • Journal of Central European Agriculture
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  • Journal of Contemporary History
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  • Journal of Forestry
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  • Kairos : Evangelical Journal of Theology
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  • Kairos : Evangelical Journal of Theology
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  • Kinesiology
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  • Knjižničar/Knjižničarka: e-časopis Knjižničarskog društva Rijeka
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  • Life and School
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  • Logopedics
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  • Management : Journal of Contemporary Management Issues
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  • Media Research : Croatian journal for journalism and the media
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  • Media Studies
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  • Medicinski vjesnik
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  • Metodički ogledi
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  • Narodna umjetnost
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  • New theories = Nove teorije
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  • Pannoniana
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  • Paragraf
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  • Periodicum Biologorum
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  • Pleter: Journal of the Association of History Students
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  • Political perspectives: journal for political research
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  • Povijesni prilozi (Historical Contributions)
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  • Pravni vjesnik
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  • Prostor
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  • Public Sector Economics - submission site
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  • Renewed Life
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  • Review of Croatian History
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  • Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik
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  • SCRINIA SLAVONICA. Annual of the Department for the History of Slavonia, Srijem and Baranja of the Croatian Institute of History
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  • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research - Pomorstvo
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  • Socijalna ekologija: journal for environmental thought and sociological research
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  • Sociology and Space
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  • Sports Law, Policy & Diplomacy Journal
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  • Strategos
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  • Studia ethnologica Croatica
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  • Technologica Acta - Scientific/professional journal of chemistry and technology
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  • Textile: Journal of Textile and Clothing Technology
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  • The Journal Police and Security
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  • Vallis Aurea
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  • Vjesnik istarskog arhiva
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  • West Croatian History Journal
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  • World of Health
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  • Zdravstveni glasnik
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