About the Journal

Pleter is the journal published by the Association of History Students "Toma Arhiđakon". It publishes articles, manuscripts, reviews (of books, movies, etc.) and reports (about conferences, seminars, etc.) from the historical sciences (history, art history, archaeology) or any other scientific discipline belonging to the social sciences and humanities, pertaining the topic of the submitted work remains inherently historical.
Pleter is indexed on the portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals Google Scholar and Hrčak  and the journal is published annually, both in a digital and a printed version.

The Journal’s management is structured as follows:

  • Editor-in-Chief
  • Editorial Board
  • Oversight Board
  • Language editors

The printed version of the Journal is fully funded by the University of Split, mainly by public calls for funding for which the Association applies on its own initiative.

The publishing is done under the Creative Commons License 4.0 (CC 4.0) in which all content can be shared, copied, distributed and adapted (modified, rebuilt, transformed) only if the original source is cited and given credit to, and only if all changes are specifically highlighted and stressed. Authors retain full ownership of their work and thusly answer to the wider community for their methods, the content of their work and all else. The Journal Copyright remains with the Journal itself. There are no charges whatsoever for the manuscript submission, reviews or any other process included in the publication. The Journal and all of its content is fully open-access, free and available to any interested party.
© Udruga studenata povijesti "Toma Arhiđakon" ISHA Split