Antonio Bajamonti and his contributions to the city of Split


  • Vana Jurković Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Split


Antonio Bajamonti, city of Split, 19th Century, autonomists, people's party, Bajamonti theater, Bajamonti palace, Monumental fountain


 One of the most popular mayors of Split and personalities of the 19th century certainly is Antonio Bajamonti, whose management under the Marjan town has lasted for almost twenty years. He was a doctor by his profession, but chosed a different path in life and became a politician. Bajamonti’s autonomous political view determined his relationship with the citizens of Split who, at the beginning of his management, were delighted with new ideas, knowledge and speech. However, such relations change in the 70s when people’s party gain popularity and at the beginning of the 80s win the elections. Nonetheless, Bajamonti has left an indelible mark on the town’s layout.. He built a theater and a palace, introduced gas light, opened new streets, and one of the most important achievements was the reconstruction of the Roman water system through which the city of Split was supplied with drinkable water. Thanks to this venture, in 1880 the Monumental fountain was built, which was demolished in 1947, and which still causes big polemics over its return to the old location.




