Croatian students in Prague at the end of 19th and the beginning of the 20th century


  • Anamarija Bašić Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split


Slavic solidarity, Charles University in Prague, T. G. Masaryk, Stjepan Radić, student's letters, František Hlaváček, Croatian and Slovene association, Slavija, Hrvatska Misao, Novo doba, professor Đuro Šurmin, 1895, 1908, students from Split


The paper deals with Croatian students in Prague at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, more precisely between 1882 and 1918. The main part focuses on Croatian students in Prague after 1882, particularly Stjepan Radić who studied there for 2 years, but who had a big influence on the other Croatian students convincing them to study in that 'heart of Europe'. There were two strong groups of Croatian students in Prague. The first one being the generation of 1895 which dropped out of the University of Zagreb after the incident with the burning of the Hungarian flag. They were publishing two magazines: Hrvatska Misao and Novo Doba. The second group, from 1908, dropped out the University of Zagreb after the political retirement of the professor Đuro Šurmin. The author discusses both groups and tries to explain the main reasons for studying in
Prague as well as discussing the students from Split and their influence on the sports and architecture in their hometown.




